3、保存设备的配置文件。 eve里使用wr或者copy run start命令还不能保存配置到startup-configs中,设备重启后所有配置丢失,解决方法见下,也很简单。 4、关于SecureCRT不能单窗口多标签的解决方法。 拓朴搭建完成并启动后,可以调用SecureCRT进行配置,但许多同学可能发现不能单窗口多标签了,十分不便,下边给出其中一个解...
# 新建以.bat结尾的文件 填入'vmrun -T ws start "D:\xnj\EVE-NG\EVE-NG.vmx" nogui' 保存并测试能否启动(注意:虚拟机路径中不能有中文) # 将启动脚本放入启动文件夹 键盘按'win+R' 填入'shell:startup' 将.bat文件放入打开的文件夹中即可 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ③、...
2>/dev/null && sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0" >> /opt/ovf/ovfstartup.sh...
I tried to run it against the physical interface being set to down, but I think this is part of the router POST, I tried to run it against loopbak0 going up, but the interface config is before the EEM config so I think that is stopping it working. Hence it responds to the last s...
EVE-ng idle-pc值计算方法
Startup configs The loading order of such images is shown in the self-explanatory diagram below. Config loading order QEMU/KVM images All other systems will run as QEMU images. In EVE, these images work as follows: first, a base image is created, then the VM is started and runs, and ...
eve里使用wr或者copy run start命令还不能保存配置到startup-configs中,设备重启后所有配置丢失,解决方法见下,也很简单。 4、关于SecureCRT不能单窗口多标签的解决方法。 拓朴搭建完成并启动后,可以调用SecureCRT进行配置,但许多同学可能发现不能单窗口多标签了,十分不便,下边给出其中一个解决方法: ...
I tried to run it against the physical interface being set to down, but I think this is part of the router POST, I tried to run it against loopbak0 going up, but the interface config is before the EEM config so I think that is stopping it working. Hence it responds to the last ...