Router#configure terminal Router(config)#hostname R2 R2(config)#interfaceethernet0/0 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shutdown R2(config)#interface ethernet 0/1 R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shutdown R2(config-if)#exit...
After login, you will see anIP addressat thetop left of the screenlike below. You will use this IP address onyour browserto access EVE-NG system. After entering this IP address to your browser, EVE-NG program will be started. And here, there is another login screen in which you will ...
enable configure terminal hostname SW1 ip domain-name enable password 123 interface vlan 1 no shutdown ip address exit write memory 在交换机SW1上,ping宿主机(Windows),可能不通。 不用紧张,因为Windows10/11系统模式没有打开ping应答功能。(可以开启的,请自行检索...
destination address http 指定了一个 HTTP 的 call-home 目的地,指向 Cisco 的在线工具。 destination address email 指定了一个电子邮件地址作为 call-home 的目的地。 destination transport-method http: 指定使用 HTTP 作为传输方法。 subs...
switch#configure terminal switch(config)# interface vlan 1 switch(config-if)# ip address switch(config-if)#exit switch (config)# hostname SW2 SW2(config)#ip设置主机域名 SW2(config)#cryptokey generate rsa #使用RSA加密(输入长度或敲两下回车) ...
以上是FMC的基本设定,需要注意的的是就是要使用"sudo su -"进入 root管理权限并使用configure-network 设定网卡的IP,然后使用https://完成后面的设定。 注:一定要记得把NTP服务打开,要不FTD注册会有问题。我在些被卡过一次,FTD死活注册不上。
I am using Eve-Ng for my CCIE Lab prep, I've installed the Eve Community VM in Vmware Workstation Pro went through the installation process and I now have a 192.168.x.x IP address for the VM I can ping google from the Eve-Ng VM. Due to some reason I cannot open http://192.168...
This post explains how to configure EVE-NG as a DHCP server (isc-dhcp-server) assigning IPs to lab devices that are then dynamically NATed behind the primary EVE management IP address (iptables masquerade) to provide Internet breakout.
Now click on the VPC1 icon and go to the management console. Configure the address with theip172.16.1.2command and then ping your Windows system using theping172.16.1.1command. For additional verification, display the ARP table using thearpcommand. ...
需要注意的的是就是要使用"sudo su -"进入 root管理权限并使用configure-network 设定网卡的IP,然后...