在SecureCRT 的 SSH 窗口,执行如下命令在 EVE-NG 上给镜像授权。 root@eve-ng:~# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions 五、EVE-NG 常见故障处理 1、EVE-NG 虚拟机无法启动实验中的模拟交换机 (1)查看 KVM 虚拟机是否支持虚拟化 root@eve-ng:~# kvm-ok INFO: Your CPU does not sup...
rmBIGIP-16.0.0-0.0.12.ALL.qcow2.zip/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions You can now add a BIG-IPLTMVEinto your lab. Select Version 16 > Scroll down. Change the Console toVNC> Save. Power it on. Log in, theDEFAULT USERNAMES AND PASSWORDSare; Username: rootPassword:d...
To fix this limitation, we will show you how to build a Linux router image for EVE-NG that boots from a virtual hard disk, can be accessed via Telnet to simplify configuration and management, and that has a persistent file system onto which we can install software and modify configuration ...
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