在SecureCRT 的 SSH 窗口,执行如下命令在 EVE-NG 上给镜像授权。 root@eve-ng:~# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions 五、EVE-NG 常见故障处理 1、EVE-NG 虚拟机无法启动实验中的模拟交换机 (1)查看 KVM 虚拟机是否支持虚拟化 root@eve-ng:~# kvm-ok INFO: Your CPU does not sup...
devopsspec:selector:matchLabels:app:jenkinstemplate:metadata:labels:app:jenkinsspec:serviceAccount:jenkins# initContainers:# - name: fix-permissions# image: busybox:1.35.0# command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 1000:1000 /var/jenkins_home"]# securityContext:# privileged: true# volumeMounts:# -...
fixpermissions。操作完成后即可进入Web界面测试使用。 QEMU可以帮助EVE-NG运行更多的虚拟设备,完成复杂实验,越来越多的设备商开始开发并释放出适配KVM环境的系统,EVE-NG可以协助qcow2镜像运行更多设备,提高可玩性。EVE-NG需要QEMU镜像的后缀名为qcow2,该文件本质是一个操作系统的虚拟硬盘文件,正因如此,可以通过自己手动...
rmBIGIP-16.0.0-0.0.12.ALL.qcow2.zip/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions You can now add a BIG-IPLTMVEinto your lab. Select Version 16 > Scroll down. Change the Console toVNC> Save. Power it on. Log in, theDEFAULT USERNAMES AND PASSWORDSare; Username: rootPassword:d...
Fix: Fixed possible SQL error when fetching unknown items from ESI Fix: ZKBFetch must use startTimestamp AND endTimestamp Fix: Post kills within the classification time frame ZKBFetch: Fix for fetching kill history from zKillboard ESI: Standardized HTTP response headers with lower case Fix for...
evekb/evedev-kbPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork22 Star41 Files 4.4 banner cache common cron img install mods packages themes update .gitignore .htaccess README.txt blank_kbconfig.php doxygen.txt ...
1command:/bin/bash-c"redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf"network_mode:"host"volumes:-/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime-/data/redis/slave1/conf:/etc/redis-/data/redis/slave1/data:/data-/data/redis/slave1/log:/logrestart:alwaysmaster2:image:redis:6.2.6container_name:redis-master2command:/bin...
eve-ng:~# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions eve-ng:~# rm ubuntuserver.vmdk Now we have a file namedhda.qcow2in the image directory namedlinuxrouter-ubuntu.server.16.10. Create new template file Every node type in EVE-NG has a template file that specifies node startup...
Hangar permissions for capital ship hangars will now display correctly when docked. You can now pay multiple bills by selecting all bills (Ctrl+A), right click on any one of them and then select pay bill from right click menu. An exception is no longer thrown when trying to transfer an ...
I'll fix it by the next release. Sabevissia wrote: I am receiving the below error from the nightly build on a clean install (though I did not do a registry clean yet). I am going to try the clean installa gain after doing a registry clean first this time around, but wanted to ...