Skirmish CommandBasic proficiency at boosting the hit-and-run capabilities of allied ships. Grants a 10% bonus to the duration of Skirmish Command Burst effects per level.yes Skirmish Command SpecialistAdvanced proficiency at boosting the hit-and-run capabilities of allied ships. Increases the strengt...
EVE Online wallpapers Since the launch of EVE Online back in 2003, I was mesmerized by the beauty of the EVE universe. I can't remember how many screenshots I used as desktop wallpapers... a lot for sure. When CCP improved the space scenery with actual NASA photos, I couldn't believe...
Frigates are the smallest and fastest of the Eve Online ships. These are your starter ships for the most part. Despite their low entry requirements, they can still be incredibly deadly in the right hands. So if you like the nippy feel of them, then you’ll be fine to stick with them....
These ice fields can be accessed through a special ORE-commandeered acceleration gate that only allows medium and small mining and hauling ships to enter (Expedition Frigates, Mining Barges, Exhumers, Industrial Ships, Blockade Runners, Deep Space Transports, and the Porpoise). The volatile ice...
Acceleration gates into Faction Warfare complexes will now show a better summary of the allowed ships when your ship is disallowed, rather than a long list of every single allowed type. Disallowed Cloaking in Factional Warfare Battlefield sites. New Player Experience: A 'View Market Details' menu...
Tell em’ thanks for the ships, though; we’ve got some really wild ideas for them. Give the people what they want, you know.” The IGC has submitted the revised news announcement below:Signups for Alliance Tournament XX are now open! Below is the full list of rules and signup ...
Eve-Online BS Mineral Changes Posted on May 13, 2013 by golden We all knew it was coming but did you invest soon enough? We have received the new resource costs for battleships on Sisi and it looks like once again there will be a rise in buying, selling, and building of ships before...
EVE Online STL models of ships and other things.NotesThese are raw exports from the .stuff using Triexporter with no textures and only using the high detail .gr2's Some of the larger models came out awkward; I'm not sure why this is. I don't have access to a 3D printer so I have...
The usual simple count of the ships and such most destroyed in New Eden over the course of the month. Hulls Lost only Once This Month Some actual meat on the bone for the single kills this month. There are some tasty items on the list, including the Vanquisher, the Azariel, and the ...
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