It's suggested to view this site with 1280x960 resolution or higher. EVETaiwan wiki site administrator: LaserX ( All text in EVETaiwan is lincensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Unported). EVE Online, all subsequent information and images are co
Welcome to EVE Online Wiki, the free interactive online EVE encyclopedia. We are currently working on 1,900 articles. You can check out the new pages, recent changes, and statistics. Don't know what EVE is? Then read our summary here!
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《EVE Online》(以下簡稱《EVE》)是由冰島CCP所開發的開放型大型多人線上遊戲(Massive Multi-player Online Game,MMOG),背景設定於西元23341年——遙遠的EVE宇宙。…
This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse. 说明最大通过质量不足10%,简称VOC,这种情况过一艘大质量的船很有可能洞口就被压塌了。最后一段话表明这个虫洞能过船只的类型。一般有以下几种:Smallest(5K t):护卫...
To learn more about the Industry Job Installation Fee and how it's calculated, you can check out the Viridian Expansion Notes here or over on the EVE University wiki. Defect Fixes: Audio: Fixed an issue where Police Bobs at suppressed gates, stations, and hangars were heard but not seen....
It's suggested to view this site with 1280x960 resolution or higher. EVETaiwan wiki site administrator: LaserX ( All text in EVETaiwan is lincensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Unported). EVE Online, all subsequent information and images are co
There is evena guide over on the EVE University Wikiwith details on how to efficiently complete the AIR Career Program with an estimated 12 hours of effort. 750K SP in that time is a pretty good rate of return. It makes me laugh even harder at the people bitching so hard about the Dai...