Eve-NG 安装后显示没有ip地址 解决这个方法不难;以后要是再重装系统了先把EVE安装好,再添加虚拟网卡,No IP address on interface pnet0这种情况就不会出现了。 我想我之前安装EVE的时候就两个默认的虚拟网卡,干脆今天试试还原默认设置看看。这不一波操作下来,果然OK了。 1、出现问题 2、在“VMware Workstation ...
ip address ! interface Ethernet1 nameif Inside security-level 100 ip address ! interface Ethernet2 shutdown no nameif no security-level no ip address ! interface Ethernet3 shutdown no nameif no security-level no ip address ! ftp mode passive a...
# 注意这里的root@eveng写法,这是类Unix标准的ssh登录用法# root是eveng虚拟机的root账户,eveng是/etc/hosts文件中绑定的eveng虚拟机的IP地址指向的域名,这里换用自己eveng虚拟机的账号和管理IP地址即可。比如:root@ 注意最后的名称要修改为virtioa.qcow2,这是eveng的约定,这一点非常重要,关乎...
[license] eve-ng = 972f30267ef51616; 在你的iol镜像的存放目录下(/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin)新建一个iourc的文件,将以上信息写入即可。 3 如何让EVE联网 设置环境确认 ESXi平台环境 Eve所接入的vswitch的混杂模式要==》允许 同时,Eve模拟器本身的linux要开启路由转发功能,就是将/etc/sysctl.conf文件里...
dis mac-address bridge-domain xx show mac address-table vni 10 2、配置命令: ! hostname ISP ! interface Loopback0 ip address ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0 no ip address ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1 encapsulation dot1Q 10 ip address172.16.0.1 ip...
第二步:导入EVE-NG镜像文件:EVE-COMM-Emulatedlab 第三步:导入成功之后,修改网络适配器为NAT模式,开启虚拟机, 出现如下界面: 第四步:加载完成后,进入登录界面: 第五步:将给出的IP地址复制到浏览器,进入Web登录界面:(默认用户名:admin,密码:eve) 第六步:搭建拓扑,开机进行配置; ...
I am using Eve-Ng for my CCIE Lab prep, I've installed the Eve Community VM in Vmware Workstation Pro went through the installation process and I now have a 192.168.x.x IP address for the VM I can ping google from the Eve-Ng VM. Due to some reason I cannot open http://192.168...
I am using Eve-Ng for my CCIE Lab prep, I've installed the Eve Community VM in Vmware Workstation Pro went through the installation process and I now have a 192.168.x.x IP address for the VM I can ping google from the Eve-Ng VM. Due to some reason I cannot openhttp://192.168....
ipdefault-gateway192.168.2.1 ipname-server114.114.114.114 iphttpserver linevty04 nologin transportinputtelnet exit 5. 公网边界区,ASA防火墙配置: ①基本配置,划分三个安全区域: ②防火墙路由配置:(配置静态路由) ③实现内网vpc可以上公网,使用动态NAT及配置: ...
As you can see, there is no virtual device yet. We will create one virtual machine and install EVE-NGthere. EVE-NG Download To download EVE-NG, we will visitEVE-NG Downloadpagehere. In thisEVE-NG downloadpage, there are different alternatives. These are: ...