“Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd. Millennium.” Contained within the document, which attempts to bring ecumenical unity, are some seriously compromising agreements regarding proselytizing and doctrinal distinctions. ...
Editorial. Cites a recent document that spells out new ways to share a foxhole in the culture wars. `Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium'; Charles Colson; Richard J...
Catholics, evangelicals in new alliance Reports on the declaration of common convictions and differences of the Roman Catholic and the Evangelical Protestant leaders in a document called `Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium.' Memb... Paquette, Michael J...
But with all that is going on now, we have to make sure we are on the same page. Then we can ask together: Where is the nation going, and how can we help our politicians and hold them accountable? Each group is encouraged to act where it is strong. Catholics are good in i...
Certainly there are many, many Roman Catholics who though they have never been formally excommunicated are nonetheless informally in that state since they do doubt and even deny certain dogmas and are thereby guilty of heresy.Secondly, the authority claims of Rome impinge on the issues of the ...
Reports on the declaration of common convictions and differences of the Roman Catholic and the Evangelical Protestant leaders in a document called `Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Th...
Offers insights on the document entitled 'Evangelicals and Catholics Together' signed by Catholic scholars, Roman Catholic administrators and evangelical leaders. Question regarding cooperation between Roman Catholics and evangelicals; Common values shared by Roman Catholics and evangelicals; Doctrines that ...
History of ecumenical relations between evangelicals and Catholics; Reactions to the document "Evangelicals and Catholics Together: Toward a Common Mission" (ECT); References to other church documents.DeStudyChiricoStudyLeonardoStudyEBSCO_AspEvangelical Review of Theology...
Evangelical-Catholic effort loses BaptistsReports that Richard D. Land and Larry L. Lewis have issued a joint statement on an unofficial document `Evangelicals and Catholics Together' signed by a number of Prote...
Reports on conflict among Protestant evangelicals in the United States regarding the `Evangelicals and Catholics Together' report. Comments by evangelical signers; Cooperation with Roman Catholics on common issues; Meeting of evangelicals to patch up differences regarding the document.Banks...