msg_send msg_set_queue msg_stat_queue Mutex (class) Mutex::create Mutex::destroy Mutex::lock Mutex::trylock Mutex::unlock passthru pcntl_alarm pcntl_async_signals pcntl_errno pcntl_exec pcntl_fork pcntl_getpriority pcntl_get_last_error pcntl_setpriority pcntl_signal pcntl_signal_dispatch pcntl_...
ss.flags = ASYNC_SPD_CUST; ss.custom_divisor = ss.baud_base / baud;if((ioctl(fd, TIOCSSERIAL, &ss)) <0) {printf("BAUD: error to set serial_struct:%s\n", strerror(errno));return-2; }ioctl(fd, TIOCGSERIAL, &ss_set);printf("BAUD: success set baud to %d,custom_divisor=%d,b...
ev_async_send ev_async_start ev_async_stop ev_backend ev_break ev_check_start ev_check_stop ev_child_start ev_child_stop ev_cleanup_start ev_cleanup_stop ev_clear_pending ev_default_loop ev_default_loop_ptr ev_depth ev_embed_start ev_embed_stop ev_embed_sweep ev_embeddable_backends ...
embed; #endif #if EV_ASYNC_ENABLE /* invoked when somebody callsev_async_send on the watcher*/ /* revent EV_ASYNC */ typedefstruct ev_async { EV_WATCHER(ev_async) EV_ATOMIC_ sent; /* private */ ev_async; # define ev_async_pendingw) ((w)->sent) ...
msg_send msg_set_queue msg_stat_queue Mutex (class) Mutex::create Mutex::destroy Mutex::lock Mutex::trylock Mutex::unlock passthru pcntl_alarm pcntl_async_signals pcntl_errno pcntl_exec pcntl_fork pcntl_getpriority pcntl_get_last_error pcntl_setpriority pcntl_signal pcntl_signal_dispatch pcntl_...
# if EV_ASYNC_ENABLE EV_API_DECL void ev_async_start (EV_P_ ev_ *w) EV_THROW; EV_API_DECL void ev_async_stop (EV_P_ ev_async*w) EV_THROW; EV_API_DECL void ev_async_send (EV_P_ ev_async*w) EV_THROW; # endif #if EV_COMPAT3 #define EVLOOP_NONBLOCK...
Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services. - n8n/pnpm-lock.yaml at master · jclev-dev/n8n
useMateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Types\Message;$message=$api->sendMessage('chat_id','Text',$others_params);var_dump($message->get());var_dump($messageinstanceofMessage::class); Enable async mode Note: This useamphp/http-client $api->setAsync(true); ...
res.send('Hello World!'); }); // 启动服务器 server.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000')); 在这个例子中,我们定义了一个处理/hello路径GET请求的路由。当用户访问http://localhost:3000/hello时,将会看到"Hello World!"的消息。
ev_async_send called very frequently. so I used a pthread_cond_t to pthread_cond_wait() the last ev_async_send() invoke into the callback, and pthread_cond_signal() the pthread_cond_t in the async callback. I wonder if this is a good policy to dispatch the file descriptor, and ...