If you are an EU citizen or resident, a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) allows you to receive state-provided healthcare in any of the other EU countries as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. An EHIC holds you to the same standards as citizens of an EU countr...
What does the EHIC have to do with Au Pairs? The European Health Insurance Card is issued for a temporary stay abroad. Since the Au Pair program is not a job but an exchange program, you will get the benefits of the public health service for free. We recommend Au Pairs to get a priv...
EHIC(European Health Insurance Card),也叫欧洲医疗保健卡。是一张针对欧盟公民或居民,可以免费申领的医疗保险卡。在欧盟合法居住,并受国家社会保障计划保障的居民,也是有资格获得此卡的。但是,非欧盟国家的公民不能使用EHIC在丹麦、冰岛、列支敦士登,挪威和瑞士进行医疗服务。在葡萄牙申请这张EHIC有以下三个途径:1、葡...
You don’t need to apply for a health insurance card. Your digital European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is always available inMy HollandZorg(under My health insurance > My health insurance card). Very convenient, because this way, you’ll never lose your health insurance card! With the Eu...
While you're being covered by your home health insurance during your stay abroad, healthcare procedures may be simpler if you have a valid European Health Insurance Card 在就业服务处注册 如果您从母国获得失业救济金,则必须在所在国家的就业服务机构注册。您和您的家人仍将受到本国社会保障体系的覆盖,...
If eligible to do so, for travel to aEuropean Union Country, the Insured Person should collect a European Commission reciprocal health agreement form EHIC, or European Health Insurance Card (formerly the E111). Eurolaw Legal Advice DAS will give an Insured Person confidential legal advice over th...
A European health insurance card (orEHIC card) is a provision available to all citizens of participating European countries that entitles you to the same level of state provided medical care as a person living in the country you're visiting. ...