EHIC(European Health Insurance Card),也叫欧洲医疗保健卡。是一张针对欧盟公民或居民,可以免费申领的医疗保险卡。在欧盟合法居住,并受国家社会保障计划保障的居民,也是有资格获得此卡的。但是,非欧盟国家的公民不能使用EHIC在丹麦、冰岛、列支敦士登,挪威和瑞士进行医疗服务。在葡萄牙申请这张EHIC有以下三个途径:1、葡...
1. 欧洲健康保险卡 在鹿特丹,欧盟成员国的公民可以免费享受基本医疗护理,而其他游客则需要持有欧洲健康保险卡(European Health Insuranc…|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,欧洲健康保险卡 更多例句筛选 1. If you're going to Europe make sure you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). ...
Please note that the EHIC does not cover private healthcare and cannot be used as a travel insurance. Moreover, the card will not be valid if you travel to the country to obtain any planned medical treatment, which means any planned surgeries, or also if you have any chronic disease that...
European Health Insurance Card//(abbreviationEHIC)noun[countableC] a card which allows citizens of many European countries to receive medical treatment for free or at a reduced cost if they become ill during a visit to one of the other member states ...
Although the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) was meant to bring Europeans together, this study shows that it is amplifying social inequalities across regions and classes. First, we evaluate the effects of east–west EHIC mobility, and of Eastern Europeans' participation in it, on the ...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishEuropean Health Insurance Card//(abbreviationEHIC)noun[countable]acardwhich allowscitizensof manyEuropeancountries to receivemedicaltreatmentforfreeor at areducedcost if they becomeillduring avisitto one of the othermemberstates ...
If so, you should also obtain a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before leaving. ParaCrawl Corpus Notera att du måste ha med dig ett europeiskt sjukförsäkringskort så kallat EU-kort (European Health Insurance Card). Please note that you need to bring a European Healt...
To visit Europe, you need to hold a valid passport and travel insurance to protect you in case there are any potential problems. If you are an EU citizen you also need to travel with your EHIC card, as this will cover you against any costs of medical treatment abroad. To visit Puerto ...
You don’t need to apply for a health insurance card. Your digital European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is always available inMy HollandZorg(under My health insurance > My health insurance card). Very convenient, because this way, you’ll never lose your health insurance card! With the Eu...
The European Health Insurance Card – EHIC Questionnaire This report presents data concerning the use of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from 1 January to 31 December 2013, practical and legal difficulties in using the EHIC and information about the amount of reimbursements related t......