1.行政效率(Administrative Efficiency) 2.人力(Manpower) 3.训练度(Training) 4.部队经验(Military Experience) 5.火炮单位(Artillery Units) 6.海军指挥力(Naval Command) 7.贸易力量(Trade Power) 8.士气(Morale) 9.探索(Exploration) 10.开发(Development) 更多理念,可以查阅游戏官网或游戏社区。©...
- Fixed a bug where the AI would accept transfer trade power peace offers that it had no interest in.- Fixed a potential crash bug in the AI.- Fixed a bug where the AI would repeatedly start and cancel movement of armies.- Fixed a bug where AI would repeatedly start and cancel ...
trade_route_map - 商路地图,+1 舰队中所有船只贸易竞争力(而非仅提供给轻型船只) command_aftercastle - 船尾指挥楼,+5% 舰队士气 improved_crows_nest - 改良瞭望台,+3 接战宽度 mortars - 臼炮,+1 封锁带来的围攻修正 standardized_signal_book - 标准旗语通信手册,+1 舰队中各船只移动速度 hull_sheating...
Extortioner: + 15% Light Ship Trade PowerThere are 22 traits in total, many with combat modifiers which have been added to the game for use in modding (and in National Idea changes which we will show later). It's worth noting that Heirs, Monarchs, Conquistadors and Explorers can also ...
church_power_modifier教会力量(圣公教&新教) yearly_corruption腐败度减少 caravan_power商队力量 monthly_fervor_increase每月狂热点数(改革宗) global_trade_goods_size_modifier商品产出修正 adm_tech_cost_modifier行政科技成本 build_time建筑时间 state_maintenance_modifier地区维护费 autonomy_change_time自制度变化冷却...
(未识别的字符串“province trade power value”用于 Template:Icon) +20 本地贸易竞争力 Province governing cost −50 省份治理成本 如果: 仅限于: DLC 利维坦已激活 设置国家 flag mng_10_loyalty_for_burghers_on_expand_infr_flag 否则: 获得 100 行政点数 京杭大运河 我国如欲享千秋国祚,掌握治理...
(未识别的字符串“province trade power value”用于 Template:Icon) +20 本地贸易竞争力 Province governing cost −50 省份治理成本 如果: 仅限于: DLC 利维坦已激活 设置国家 flag mng_10_loyalty_for_burghers_on_expand_infr_flag 否则: 获得 100 行政点数 京杭大运河 我国如欲享千秋国祚,掌握治理...
多地区降power prices.7 茶叶和糖 25 prices.8 香料 50 prices.9 奴隶 减50 prices.10 谷物和酒临时下降价格75 prices.11 不同商品价格10年小幅度变动 prices.12 酒 25 prices.13 布料 20 羊毛 减20 prices.14 布料 15 染料 25 prices.15 鱼减10 盐 10 prices.16 棉花 45 prices.17 毛皮 40 ...
invasion_targetinvasion_target [province id]This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. investinvest [investment id] [province id]This is a toggle command, it will enable or disable the Trade Company Investment with the specified ID for the specified provin...
trade_range_modifier = 10 最大交易距离+1000% production_efficiency = 1 工业效果+100% naval_forcelimit_modifier = 5 最大海军上限+500% land_forcelimit_modifier = 5 最大陆军上限+500% tolerance_heretic = 5 异教容忍+5 infantry_power = 0.5 步兵冲击+50% cavalry_power = 0.5 骑兵冲击+50% reco...