先祖庙宇(ideagroups.1923)事件增加了“前往”按钮。 希狄人国家(flavor_jaj.1)事件增加了第三个选项,允许你将tag切换至哈卜尚。 拥有北境雄师DLC将允许你转变为海盗共和国了,如果你没有北境雄狮但拥有黄金世纪,那么也同样可以获得这一功能。 你的非天主教配偶不会再通过肉欲(consort_events.314)事件与你离婚了...
Fixed wrong scope in trigger of 'Ancestral Temple' in ideagroups.txt. Human players don't lose land when settled and the federation leader enacts the last reform. Inquisitionists can't be of a different faith as they speed missionary progress. It is no longer possible to get the Buddha dei...
- The Castilian/Spanish mission "Recover Portugal" has been moved. Now it requires the completion of the missions "Subjugate Navarra" and "Reclaim Andalucia". The Restoration of Union CB has been moved accordingly too and is only available to Spain if both missions are completed. This change w...
Fixed wrong scope in trigger of 'Ancestral Temple' in ideagroups.txt. Human players don't lose land when settled and the federation leader enacts the last reform. Inquisitionists can't be of a different faith as they speed missionary progress. It is no longer possible to get the Buddha dei...
Fixed tooltip in spain_must_be_christian mission. Tweaked trigger and MTTH modifiers for event 2031. Tweaked probability modifiers for mission achive_religious_unity. Fixed deity in hindu_events.12. Added 4 events for Ganga. Minor grammar fixes in ideagroups. ...
Fixed tooltip in spain_must_be_christian mission. Tweaked trigger and MTTH modifiers for event 2031. Tweaked probability modifiers for mission achive_religious_unity. Fixed deity in hindu_events.12. Added 4 events for Ganga. Minor grammar fixes in ideagroups. ...
Will now pick idea groups dynamically instead of always using historical groups. Historical groups are weighted more highly when picking. Religion Will now cancel missionaries that have no hope of completing their assignment due to low missionary strength. Technology AI protectorates will no longer West...
Will now pick idea groups dynamically instead of always using historical groups. Historical groups are weighted more highly when picking. Religion Will now cancel missionaries that have no hope of completing their assignment due to low missionary strength. Technology AI protectorates will no longer West...
Reduced counting_coups idea from 15% morale to 10% Spynetworks now decay while being discovered. Liberalism now depends on Absolutism. Non-tributary subjects are now exempt from most disasters. Removed Protectorates, they are now all considered vassals instead. You can do divert trade & seize te...
Added a new option for "no limits on ideagroups" to let those who want all military ideagroups to play like that. Added "End Rivalry" peace option forcing the enemy to remove one of their Rivals. The removed Rival cannot be added again until 15 years after removed. There is now a "...