- Event ideagroups.1908 'Freethinking Leads Away From God' can no longer convert provinces to Reformed or Protestant before those religions are enabled.- Fixed a bug where AI could convert to non-enabled religions under certain rare circumstances.- It is no longer possible to "upgrade" ships ...
Minor grammar fixes in ideagroups. Events that recall merchants now instead reduce trade power of that nation in a node for 10 years. Fixed some erroneous adm. efficiency tooltips. Added check for Sardinia-Piedmont abort/success clause for French Annex Savoy mission. ...
event 5022 +1殖民 event 9469 神君 --外交声誉吞并 event ideagroups.606 提高声誉 获得1外交声誉持续十年。 event ideagroups.1505 提高声誉 获得1外交声誉持续十年 event ideagroups.1802 受欢迎的贵族 获得1外交声誉持续十年 event subject_interaction_events.34 忠诚的国民 获得1外交声誉持续五年,外交合并花费-1...
In previous map previews, we have often revealed the idea groups of the new tags, and rest assured we will be adding new ideas to replace the generic German ones. However, the work to do so still lies in the future, so in the meantime I’d just like to give a shoutout to this ...
Will now pick idea groups dynamically instead of always using historical groups. Historical groups are weighted more highly when picking. Religion Will now cancel missionaries that have no hope of completing their assignment due to low missionary strength. Technology AI protectorates will no longer West...
The province war score cost custom nation idea has been adjusted in order to bring it in line with the war score cost against other religion idea. Added Spanish, French and German proper localization. Being the Defender of Faith gives now +1 Monthly Fervor / +10% Church Power Modifier / ...
修复了insane amount of improve relations bonus available as a custom idea without CoP。修复了message filter including unknown countries。修复了message log entry with blank name for new heir。修复了misaligned text in Spanish和French Options in Main Menu。
100 = ideagroups.103 100 = ideagroups.104 100 = ideagroups.105 100 = ideagroups.106 100 = ideagroups.107 100 = ideagroups.108 100 = ideagroups.109 100 = ideagroups.110 100 = ideagroups.111 100 = ideagroups.112# 财阀理念组事件 19个(12好 7坏) 100 = ideagroups.200 100 = ideagro...
The province war score cost custom nation idea has been adjusted in order to bring it in line with the war score cost against other religion idea. Added Spanish, French and German proper localization. Being the Defender of Faith gives now +1 Monthly Fervor / +10% Church Power Modifier / ...
The French Revolution now triggers in the Age of Revolutions. The French Wars of Religion disaster now triggers in the Age of Reformation. The English Civil War disaster [actually the Wars of the Roses] now triggers in the Age of Discovery. ...