Serbia's missions are focused on survival and reclaiming territories which it had only recently lost. If it can weather the initial storm and make some tentative gains, Serbia has plenty of opportunities to expand and reclaim its place as a true empire once more. 塞尔维亚的任务树专注于生存和收...
- The Castilian/Spanish mission "Recover Portugal" has been moved. Now it requires the completion of the missions "Subjugate Navarra" and "Reclaim Andalucia". The Restoration of Union CB has been moved accordingly too and is only available to Spain if both missions are completed. This change w...
Several additional conquest missions appear throughout the tree. Following the Annex Alsace mission, you’ll be on the path to recreating Napoleon’s campaigns. Invading Switzerland, abolishing the Holy Roman Empire, “protecting” Poland and ultimately attempting an invasion of Russia will be on the...
Build A Roman Navy emp_pap_roman_navy The Holy League emp_pap_the_holy_league Levantine Missions emp_pap_levantine_missions Mission To China emp_pap_mission_to_china Catholic Confraternity emp_pap_catholic_alliances Support The Orders emp_pap_support_the_knightly_orders Eastern Alliances emp_pap...
Aksum can be formed by Ethiopia via their missions. The Mongol Empire can be formed by Yuan. The Holy Roman Empire can be unified by becoming its Emperor and passing its final imperial reform. All nations can do this except for the Papal State. The Roman Empire, Aotearoa, Hawai’i, and...
Holiest Roman Empire 最神圣的罗马帝国 作为教宗国或者神圣罗马帝国的皇帝,让天主教成为帝国官方信仰并且让教宗国成为一个选帝侯。 未启用随机新世界 是 教宗国或者 是神圣罗马帝国的皇帝 神圣罗马帝国的官方信仰是天主教 神圣罗马帝国有官方的、不可动摇的信仰 教宗国 是一个选帝侯 可以用 奥地利开局,并吞并 ...
pass_next_reformpass_next_reform [reform id]This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. See argument information for reform IDs. pick_golden_bullpick_golden_bull [golden bull id]This command will give the Pope the Golden Bull with the specified ID. ...
CKII: | Zoroastrian Roman Empire | EU4: | Romanov Russia | Repubblica Fiorentina | The Basque Empire | Res Publica Romana | Holy Flames of Persia | Malayan Ocean | Osmanlı İmparatorluğu | Dominium Marius Baltici | V2: | North American Union | Chinese Dragon rises | Triumphant Rei...
- When the Protestant League wins, the religion of the Holy Roman Empire will now be set to officially Protestant (so the Catholic League no longer has a chance to reverse the victory). This was done due to the above removal of truces.- The bonus for HRE being officially your religion ...
较之变革之风版本任务,其内容略少。 当DLC皇帝、DLC变革之风均未开启时,成立意大利不会获得任何新的任务。 参考资料 ↑脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/missions/WOC_Italian_Missions.txt。 ↑脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/missions/EMP_Italian_Missions.txt。