steam创意工坊名称:Holy Roman Empire Expandedsteam汉化Mod名称:Holy Roman Empire Expanded汉化工坊订阅:75.59k网盘编号:38简介特点为皇帝加冕只要不启用新教信仰,神圣罗马帝国的统治者在选举后只是罗马人的国王,必须由教皇加冕才能成为皇帝有一个决议可以让罗马人的国王前往罗马加冕为皇帝,但他有可能在途中去世或者被教宗...
Going hand-in-hand with one of these achievements, we have added one of the longest requested formable nations: The Roman Empire. It is no easy task to perform, requiring Christianity or Paganism and ownership of the regions of Italy, France, Iberia, Balkans, Anatolia, Mashriq as well as ...
Those of you who have been watching the dev clash with a keen eye will have noticed that a new religion has appeared on the map, emanating from the Kingdom of Bohemia. Today I'll talk about the Hussite faith and its associated content, as well as the new mission tree for Bohemia comi...
The Emperor will most likely choose to accept the Order in the Empire - but under the heavy restrictions that internal wars within the Empire are forbidden. Of course you can choose to reject this… 皇帝一般会选择接纳骑士团加入帝国——但是会施加严禁发动帝国内部战争的管束。当然你可以选择拒绝管束...
pass_next_reformpass_next_reform [reform id]This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. See argument information for reform IDs. pick_golden_bullpick_golden_bull [golden bull id]This command will give the Pope the Golden Bull with the specified ID. ...
I love the changes to the map and can't wait to hear more about the missions! Can you give me an idea when the DLC or patch will come out? You caught us We're hoping to release by end of year. Mingmung said: This map really needs some geography 1.01. Urach beneath Wurrtem...
Provence also has many somewhat more local and immediate concerns besides the (re)conquest of René’s birthright. Uniting Provence with Lorraine is critical, as is establishing a relationship with the Holy Roman Empire. Joining the Empire, despite its name, need not involve Provence being a memb...
We have on the map several tiny Catholic nations in Greece that I'll collectively refer to as the Crusader States. These are The Knights, Cyprus, Epirus, Athens, and Naxos. The Crusader States have some of the most challenging starting positions in the game, being at the mercy of the Ott...
The Mongol Empire will no longer spawn rebels similar to how other formable don't spawn rebels. CTD fix, related to attempting to add tribal land after switching away from being a native tribe. Emperor is now included in the Religious League map mode. Fixed CTD when modifying subject relation...
欧陆风云4秘籍及国家代码(European storm 4 Cheats and country code)European storm 4 Cheats, as follows:Yesman forced AI to accept all diplomacy Winwars scores directly from war to 100 Add_heir tag designated States to increase heirs Manpower increases manpower Fow go to war many Wu Cash money...