nobles_influence_modifier nobles_influence_modifier [Country.GetNobilityName] Influence [Country.Get贵族Name]影响力 Yellow percentage [Country.Get贵族Name]影响力:+10% nobles_loyalty_modifier nobles_loyalty_modifier [Country.GetNobilityName] Loyalty Equilibrium [Country.Get贵族Name]忠诚均衡点 Green percent...
Estates: Nearly all countries now have Estates, representing powerful groupings in the country such as the Nobility or the Priesthood. Estates have a loyalty and influence level, and can control territory, granting various benefits at the cost of local autonomy. A powerful estate will have signifi...
Estates: Nearly all countries now have Estates, representing powerful groupings in the country such as the Nobility or the Priesthood. Estates have a loyalty and influence level, and can control territory, granting various benefits at the cost of local autonomy. A powerful estate will have signifi...