Among these, and don’t take this as a promise of it coming, would be triggered province modifiers to ease MEIOU&Taxes insane custom made mapmode and conditional execution in the Meta scripts letting you make a lot smarter triggers/effects.Last but not least, a little changelog of what ...
print_modifiersprint_modifiersThis debug command prints to file (stored in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV) the current gamestate modifiers. reform_desirereform_desire [amount]This console command adds the specified amount of reform desire to your current country. ...
The question the AI is trying to answer here is whether to start a battle, or even a war. To do so, it must estimate the quality of troops. Basically: how many Swedish soldiers does it take to equal 1 Prussian soldier? Until 1.32, the AI did this by applying a series of modifiers,...
- 儒教得到了强化: -- All the modifiers from harmonized religions have been standardized in their power compared to other religions. -- 和谐其他宗教得到的增益会以该宗教的增益强度作为标准 -- Reduced the base Yearly Harmony from 1 to 0.25. -- 每年获得的基础和谐度从1减为0.25。 -- Increased th...
Will only show Imperial authority modifiers to the actual emperor in his modifier list. Tooltip improvements for matchmaking interface. Centered ingame menu. Fixed Conscript Janissaries button not always disabled if you didn't have enough Military Power. ...
Fixed Appoint Cardinal cost does not appear in country modifiers list. Fixed tooltip saying that you are declaring war without CB to Burgundy when trying to force personal union, when actually there is a CB that allows it. Fixed when clicking on a province it will either show the province or...
# cost = x #==> cost in $ to build (subject to other modifiers) # time = x #==> number of months to build. # previous = x # a building that is the prerequisite of this building # modifier = m # a modifier on the province that the building gives # trigger = t # an...
建立一个名字没有中文的TXT放到游戏目录里的common文件夹下的triggered_modifiers文件夹里 一下是内容,括号内是注释,自己用的时候请连带括号一起删掉,但是注意不要删掉了换行 player = { potential = { ai = no }(不对AI显示) trigger = { ai = no }(不对AI触发,如果想额外加触发条件可以参照common下其他...
eu4trait = { name = <personality name> weight = { factor = X <modifiers> } } <modifiers>is a list of modifiers which modify the weight of the personality type (i.e. how likely it is to be picked). They may be additive (additive_modifier) or multiplicative (modifier). ...
- Added Province Triggered Modifiers which are way faster than the global triggered modifiers. They also have on_activation and on_deactivation effects you can do fun stuff with. - Can now refer to first province in a state with FROM in potential and allow script- Fixed misspelled on_janissa...