The first option allows you to receive a penalty to National Tax Modifier / Goods Produced Modifier by -10% and an increase of the Nobility's Influence by +10%, but in return your two subjects gain a modifier which decreases their liberty desire by 10% and increase their Yearly Tax Income...
global_trade_goods_size_modifier MODIFIER_GLOBAL_TRADE_GOODS_SIZE_MODIFIER Goods Produced Modifier 商品产出修正 Green percentage 商品产出修正:+10% global_trade_goods_size_modifier_opposite opposite File:Global trade goods size modifier opposite.png global_trade_income_modifier global_trade_power MODI...
goods produced modifier global trade power heavy ship cost heavy ship combat ability, heavy ship power chance of new heir, heir chance attrition for enemies, hostile attrition idea cost imperial authority growth modifier imperial authority modifier improve relations, improve relation modifier...
blockade_impact_on_siege_in_fleet_modifier旗舰所在舰队造成的封锁影响 flagship_durability旗舰的耐久 morale_in_fleet_modifier旗舰所在的舰队的士气 exploration_mission_range_in_fleet_modifier旗舰所在舰队执行探索任务的范围 barrage_cost_in_fleet_modifier旗舰所在舰队执行海军炮击的花费 naval_attrition_in_fleet_mod...
0.30 Goods Produced in entire Area +0.30货物生产,在整个地区。 Property Appraiser - 1000 Ducats 财产评估所 – 1000金币 1 Per Trade Company Charter 每个特许贸易区只能建设一个。 50% Trade Steering in Trade Node of Charter for TC Owner.
2. Mali's privilege "Controlled Gold Mining" has seen some rebalancing (btw, in the code the modifier already affected Goods Produced and not Production Efficiency. Just the tooltip was messed up last week and I didn't notice it... so yeah, sorry about the misunderstandings). Again, the...
In order to further diversify the game setup we have added five new Trade Goods to the game, as well as some more special province modifiers for specific centers of production for some Trade Goods.Gems Local Bonus: Local Tax Modifier +15%Strategic Bonus: Yearly Inflation Reduction +5This ...
set_base_production [province id] [value]This command sets the base production efficiency (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. Base production efficiency is the multiplier used in the calculation for province production income, trade value, and goods produced....
It also now buffs the province in every aspect like for example decreasing local development cost by 5%, Monthly Autonomy by -0.005, Local Goods Produced Modifier by 5%, etc. Reduced the manpower, sailors and force limit bonuses granted by colonies by 25%. AI 经济 修复了天朝皇帝顾问预算问题...
Increased Kaaba's Prestige modifier。 Increased Potosí's interest per annum。 埃塞俄比亚和马里现在是终局标签国家了。 幸运国将额外获得+25%政府容量修正。 继承人宣称的月增长基础值被从0.417降至0.208,这样低宣称和中宣称的继承人就会变得更加常见。 The diplomatic policy "Faith Advisors" now gives +0。