Tier 4 (they are all new): 第4级(它们全是新的): Tier 7 (they are all new): 第7 级(它们全是新的): Tier 8: 第8 级: Tier 10 (the first three are generic Republican reforms, hence their theme is not quite fitting for Pirates): 第10 级(前三个是通用的共和国改革,所以他们的主题...
The Idea of the Harmonization Speed increase at high Harmony is to encourage alternating between harmonizing a new religion and accumulating Harmony. It should be possible for you to be just as fast with harmonizing religions as somebody who is chain harmonizing all the time. 高和谐度提升和谐速度...
Fixed that has_idea_group trigger sometimes failed validation erroneously (causing false error messages). Fuerte del Morro monument moved to Boriken province, and now has the correct modifier regarding Overlord Naval Limit. Adjusted the costs of several custom nation ideas to be more in line with...
Sorting great projects by tier working as expected。Starting German idea uses right icon。Starting a coalition between daimyo now calls in the 其它 coalition members。Stopped AI allies from having human responses on declare war screen when declaring war on a human in MP。
Fixed that has_idea_group trigger sometimes failed validation erroneously (causing false error messages). Fuerte del Morro monument moved to Boriken province, and now has the correct modifier regarding Overlord Naval Limit. Adjusted the costs of several custom nation ideas to be more in line with...
Sorting great projects by tier working as expected。Starting German idea uses right icon。Starting a coalition between daimyo now calls in the 其它 coalition members。Stopped AI allies from having human responses on declare war screen when declaring war on a human in MP。
idea "Naval Glory" +1 Blockade Impact on Siege additionally to the Yearly Navy Tradition.The +10% Ship Durability has been moved from the bonus of the ideas group to the sixth idea, "Oak Forests for Ships" (the +20% Heavy Ship Combat Ability remains) while the bonus now has -100% ...
we thought of moving back to the Far East, as there were some balance issues that were not fully resolved by Leviathan although focusing in part on the SEA region. Regarding that, we were aware of the big discussion on Ming balance in the forums, thus it would be a good idea to tackle...
The idea "Repurposing the Ali'i Nui" now gives 1 legitimacy instead of 2, the idea "Naha Prophecy" has no longer increased Hostile Core Creation Cost and the ambition of is now +20 Global Settler Increase instead of the ability to recruit explorers. Forming Aotearoa will no longer remove ...