The Surrender of Maine event now has a custom casus belli, which acts as an usual Restoration of Personal Union cb for England, but is like a Reconquest cb for France. The Swiss events about Calvin can now only trigger in the Age of Reformation in order to prevent him returning from his...
The Surrender of Maine event now has a custom casus belli, which acts as an usual Restoration of Personal Union cb for England, but is like a Reconquest cb for France. The Swiss events about Calvin can now only trigger in the Age of Reformation in order to prevent him returning from his...
Fixed typo in description for Ethiopian Country Idea, "Hostile Borders". Campaign Stats View: Fixed player's own avarage kills/losses per year not shown correctly. England is no longer an English Monarchy at all start dates. Fixed that opinion penalty from privateering only happened on those co...
Culture & culture groups now have modifiers for country & province. Subject type rules can now be modified through script (common/subject_types/). Added trigger 'current_age = x' Added trigger 'num_of_continents = x' Added trigger 'has_age_ability = <ability>' ...