for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion towards. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. If you do not specify a second country tag, aggressive expansion from all nations towards the specified country will be reset....
Atwix's Guide to Coalition Dodging and Aggressive Expansion - an absolute game changing must read Our approach to historicity in design is mainly one of flavor and inspiration - we want mechanics that feel appropriate to the era, but historical accuracy ultimately takes a backseat to gameplay. ...
Aggressive Expansion can now be granted as an effect as add_aggressive_expansion and reverse_add_aggressive_expansion. Moreover, this effect can be affected by a parameter to simulate AE taking culture, religion etc into account. 现在可以通过add_aggressive_expansion和reverse_add_aggressive_expansion的...
notifications have a Go-To button to allow the player to see where it happened. "States" tab of Production Interface shows correct income for territories. "yesman" causes AI to accept call to arms. A New Flagship event has a go to. AI can handle reassigning merchants. AI no longer ...
Every province in a Trade Company Area gains a bonus toGoodsProduced proportional to how much of the trade the company controls If a single Trade Company controls >50% of the province Trade Power in an Area, the owning nation gets an extra merchant. ...
notifications have a Go-To button to allow the player to see where it happened. "States" tab of Production Interface shows correct income for territories. "yesman" causes AI to accept call to arms. A New Flagship event has a go to. AI can handle reassigning merchants. AI no longer ...
Expansion features Diplomatic Feedback: There is now a new interface in the diplomacy view called 'Diplomatic Feedback'. Here you can set your attitude towards other nations, see what provinces they are interested in conquering and see their Trust towards you and the amount of Favors they owe....
Fixed not being able to see active rebel progress in subjects. Battles should now not end if there is enough reserve still waiting to fight. Replaced "Meath" with "Pale" in tutorial. Fixed bug with when armies are colored as "condottieri enemy". Missions now choose between target provinces...
Expansion features Diplomatic Feedback: There is now a new interface in the diplomacy view called 'Diplomatic Feedback'. Here you can set your attitude towards other nations, see what provinces they are interested in conquering and see their Trust towards you and the amount of Favors they owe....
Good afternoon and welcome to today's Developer Diary! Today's topics are new Achievements and Moddability expansion, as well as further discussion on the Idea groups changes proposed by the community and our QA. 大家下午好,欢迎来到今天的开者日志!今天的话题是新的成就和模组变化,以及我们的社区与...