inflation_action_cost MODIFIER_INFLATION_ACTION_COST Reduce Inflation Cost 降低通胀的花费 Red percentage 降低通胀的花费:+10% inflation_reduction INFLATION_REDUCTION Yearly Inflation Reduction 每年通货膨胀减量 Green float 每年通货膨胀减量:+0.1 innovativeness_gain MODIFIER_INNOVATIVENESS_GAIN Innovativeness Gai...
low_memorylow_memoryThis command will make the game attempt to reduce the amount of RAM (memory) it is using. luckylucky [country tag]This command enables and disables (toggles) a specified country's lucky nation status. If no country tag is specified, the nation you are playing as will ...
Trade Company building is now called Trade Station to reduce confusion. Change Government Country Decisions have a cooldown of 25 years. Added end_incident (= incidentname) effect. Rebalanced, re-wrote and/or edited existing Japanese events. Added 8 Shinto Incidents. The National Bank Event now...
Updated expansion features Naval exploration missions from El Dorado are initiated when you click on Terra Incognita (if corresponding exploration mission is possible). Massive rework to Random New World from Conquest of Paradise, now uses a tile-based system with custom scenarios to create far more...
Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page. [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible...
Every province in a Trade Company Area gains a bonus toGoodsProduced proportional to how much of the trade the company controls If a single Trade Company controls >50% of the province Trade Power in an Area, the owning nation gets an extra merchant. ...
Made AI somewhat less likely to choose provinces next to siege armies (to support them) when no enemy is close, in an effort to reduce attrition. Now willing to lift sieges of unfortified provinces that aren't the wargoal to help nearby friends in battle. AI main armies evaluate provinces...
Every province in a Trade Company Area gains a bonus toGoodsProduced proportional to how much of the trade the company controls If a single Trade Company controls >50% of the province Trade Power in an Area, the owning nation gets an extra merchant. ...
Courthouse & Town Halls no longer affect unrest but instead reduce state maintainance by 25% and 50% respectively. Fleets on trade missions in the same node should now be faster to merge. Score rating now gives a +5 to Great Powers. Annexations and Integrations will stall at 100% if any...
When leader of Trade League embargoes someone, all members of trade league embargo. This embargo does not reduce their trade efficiency. Trade league leaders automatically have a trade dispute CB on any countries they would be able to generate such a CB on via spy action. ...