Historically, the French Revolution rather took everyone by surprise, but in hindsight we can see plenty of events that were significant to its build up and even foreshadowed things to come. We translated these to the game with a series of events inspired by pre-revolutionary France for countri...
Being the Revolutionary Target gives now +10% Morale of Navies. It also gives now +25% Manpower and Sailor Recovery Speed instead of +40% Land and Naval Force Limit Modifier. Colonialism can now spawn in a country which has an idea unlocked which allows them to hire Explorers. In other ...
As Revolutionary France, spread the Revolution to 10 countries. 拿破仑的野心 拿破仑的野望 作为革命法兰西,将革命传播到10个国家输出十次革命 作为革命法兰西,传播革命到其他10个国家 298 achievement_everythings_coming_up_mulhouse 无 Everything's Coming Up Mulhouse NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_47_NAME Starting as...
Steamworks support, subscribe to themodsin steam and the launcher will update accordingly. Major features with国富论 私掠 现在,你可以派遣轻型船只前往贸易节点执行私掠任务 一支执行私掠任务的舰队将升起海盗旗 私掠者 will generate 1.5 times their trade power for the Pirate (PIR) nation. ...
France now considers the strength of the Emperor和its subjects before suiciding themselves in the Burgundian Inheritance Incident。 The Portugese事件"The Tower of Belem" will now charge 250 Ducats, but will now upgrade the Monument "Belem Tower" by one level。 事件behaves as usual when Leviathan...
Being the Revolutionary Target gives now +10% Morale of Navies. It also gives now +25% Manpower and Sailor Recovery Speed instead of +40% Land and Naval Force Limit Modifier. Colonialism can now spawn in a country which has an idea unlocked which allows them to hire Explorers. In other ...
Colony no longer keeps switching between revolutionary和crown colony; colonies can't embrace the revolution any more。Countries with harem now fulfill 'government = monarchy' trigger。Custom Setup Random Values for 发展度 don't give only 1, 1, 1 Provinces after reloading front end any more。
Steamworks support, subscribe to themodsin steam and the launcher will update accordingly. Major features with国富论 私掠 现在,你可以派遣轻型船只前往贸易节点执行私掠任务 一支执行私掠任务的舰队将升起海盗旗 私掠者 will generate 1.5 times their trade power for the Pirate (PIR) nation. ...
Monarchies that are allied to revolutionary target now still get the penalty for a Revolution. Breaking an alliance now gives a truce for 5 years between the nations breaking it. Removed the 'Has Casus Belli' opinion modifier and increased opinion effects of having cores and claims, as the for...
Maya Unification wars will no longer be referred to as wars of Imperialism. Faction instability events will no longer spawn revolutionary rebels ahead of time. Instead they will spawn other rebel types.- Ruler death reason is now more consistent with the stability hit. Fixed localisation error in...