France must move towards centralization in all of its forms. Breaking the power of the nobility is only the first step. Next you must impose religious unity through the institution of the Dragonnades, a set of policies designed to
Main Features of Mandate of Heaven:Historical Ages and Golden Eras: Meet objectives in four historical ages from the Age of Discovery to the Age of Revolutions, earning new bonuses and powers for your country. Declare a Golden Era to further increase your chance of success.Chinese Empire: New...
The English Civil War disaster now triggers in the age of Absolutism. The French Revolution now triggers in the Age of Revolutions. The French Wars of Religion disaster now triggers in the Age of Reformation. The English Civil War disaster [actually the Wars of the Roses] now triggers in...
string_start_age_of_reformation | 专制主义时代 = string_start_age_of_absolutism | 革命时代 = string_start_age_of_revolutions | 东正教 = string_orthodox_icons | 天主教 = string_catholic_tordesillas | 新教 = string_church_power_info | 改革宗 = string_fervor_info | 科普特 = string_blessings...
Removed Absolute Monarchy from the game, and replaced with a scaling mechanic called Absolutim which is valid from Age of Absolutism. Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. ...
仅限于: The current age has the absolutism mechanic 专制度至少为 90 否则: 至少有下述 7 项成立: 全部附属国: 国家总 发展度至少为 100 不是: 独立倾向至少为 20% 拥有至少 90% 王冠领地所有权 稳定度至少为 +2 如果: 仅限于: 制定了「参政院」政府改革 The costs of Parliament bribes are re...
全局flag no_more_revolutions_ever 已设置 任意已知国家: Is the revolution target 处于与 我国的战争中 首都: 省份由 我国控制 如果: 仅限于: 至少满足之一: 制定了「革命帝国」政府改革 制定了「革命共和国」政府改革 获得国家修正 「拥抱革命」 持续至游戏结束,并给予以下效果: +5% 行政效率 +30 ...
全局flag no_more_revolutions_ever 已设置 任意已知国家: Is the revolution target 处于与 我国的战争中 首都: 省份由 我国控制 如果: 仅限于: 至少满足之一: 制定了「革命帝国」政府改革 制定了「革命共和国」政府改革 获得国家修正 「拥抱革命」 持续至游戏结束,并给予以下效果: +5% 行政效率 +30 ...
string_start_age_of_reformation | 专制主义时代 = string_start_age_of_absolutism | 革命时代 = string_start_age_of_revolutions | 东正教 = string_orthodox_icons | 天主教 = string_catholic_tordesillas | 新教 = string_church_power_info | 改革宗 = string_fervor_info | 科普特 = string_blessings...