age = age_of_reformation else = "\n\t\t\t\t\tadd_dip_power = 100\n\t\t\t\t\tadd_years_of_income = 1\n\t\t\t\t" Tooltip: 「「海军改革家」顾问的每一等级都将会给予+3.0%全局贸易竞争力修正。」 Tooltip: 「」 如果: 仅限于: 制定了「非常损失规则」政府改革 获得200 政府改革进度...
add_country_modifier_for_age name = TIM_golden_horde age = age_of_reformation else = "\n\t\t\t\t\tadd_stability_or_adm_power = yes\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tcustom_tooltip = \" \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tadd_adm_power = 100\n\t\t\t\t\tadd_dip_power = 100...
Last but not least, a little changelog of what has been added for you to scour through.- years_under_vassalage trigger now supports "all_subject_country = yes" to not limit for certain subject types.- Advisor portraits now look for "GFX_advisor_[culture_group]_[...]" before the 'Gfx...
Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only. added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page. [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible...
+1 Tolerance of Heretics +1异端容忍 Dei Gratia Rex 神佑王名 +0.5 Yearly Absolutism +0.5年度专制度 -2 Unrest in Catholic Provinces -2天主教省份的叛乱度 -25% Drill Decay -25%操练度衰减 Illius Qui Se Pro Divini 为神而战 Enabled Crusades after the Age limit!
While the first and third options are rather self-explanatory, the second one is a choice that the AI can take when they are not fully convinced by your ruler - mostly when your ruler is quite the unfortunate one regarding his monarch skills - but do not desire to break out of the Kalm...
ageage [game age]This command can be used to change the age of the game to Age of Exploration, Age of Reformation, Age of Absolutism or Age of Revolution. See argument information for the game IDs (0-3).DLC: Mandate of Heaven
Illius qui se pro divini: Enables Crusades after the Age limit is imposed. 为神而战:(He Who That on Behalf of the Divine)在时代限制实施后,解锁十字军。(译注:恩仁四世于1442年12月9日关于葡萄牙对萨拉森人十字军颁布的教宗诏书。)Apostolicae Servitutis: 50% Cheaper Curia Powers (Levy Church Tax...
The Golden Age Of Piracy pirate_all_of_the_gold A Pirate Fleet pirate_a_pirate_fleet A Scourge On The Seven Seas pirate_a_scourge_on_the_seven_seas No Purchase, No Pay pirate_the_pirate_code Pirate Diplomacy pirate_diplomacy The Pirate Threat pirate_the_pirate_threat A Pirate Hoard pirate...
Bohemia pursues an aggressive policy of Catholic orthodoxy and strives to convert the remaining Hussites to win the favour of the Pope. 波希米亚奉行激进天主教正统政策,并努力使其余的胡斯派改信以讨好教皇。 When the Protestant Reformation begins, Hussite nations will be given the choice of whether ...