The French mission tree now stands as one of the most extensive in the game. When we re-worked the mission system during the development of Rule fBritannia, France was one of the winners as our policy was to adapt as many old missions as possible to the new system and France happened t...
One of the first missions in the old mission tree was to form a personal union with Hungary. As we know, the history of Austria's rule of Hungary was an uneasy one, littered with attempted revolts and difficult compromises. We therefore added a few missions to reflect this. The mission ...
this mission tree takes the player down a very different path than history intended. Navarra must reclaim its unjustly stolen coastline, and from there pursue an invasion of France that can culminate in a Personal Union. With access to the...
The greek names of the Turkish provinces are now dynamic instead of being locked behind Byzantium's mission tree。 修复了an issue, which made the usage of the Feudal Theocracy unusable if you switch from Muslim to Zoroastrian。 新增和修复了统治者和consort names for the different governments。
模板:Mission tree/doc <Template:Mission tree 这是Template:Mission tree的模板文档。 当直接浏览时,使用变量可能会失效,请不要zh-hans:使用硬编码来代替;zh-hant:寫死页面名或地址。 该模板用于生成任务树,具体使用方法请见下文。 参数 参数描述状态
We have of course also created a brand new mission tree available to both Naples and the new formable Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. 我们也当然创造了一个全新的可用任务树给那不勒斯以及新的可成立的两西西里王国Kingdom of the Two Sicilies。
The greek names of the Turkish provinces are now dynamic instead of being locked behind Byzantium's mission tree。 修复了an issue, which made the usage of the Feudal Theocracy unusable if you switch from Muslim to Zoroastrian。 新增和修复了统治者和consort names for the different governments。
Naval exploration missions from El Dorado are initiated when you click on Terra Incognita (if corresponding exploration mission is possible). Massive rework to Random New World from Conquest of Paradise, now uses a tile-based system with custom scenarios to create far more interesting and believable...
Complete the Austrian mission tree. AEIOU AEIOU 完成奥地利任务树。完成奥地利任务树 完成奥地利任务树。 297 achievement_napoleons_ambition spread_revolution_ten_times_tt Napoleon’s Ambition NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_46_NAME As Revolutionary France, spread the Revolution to 10 countries. 拿破仑的野心 拿破...
设置国家 flag TIM_upgrade_amirs_in_officer_corps_mission_flag 塔吉克新兵 察合台精英 WoC_timurids_1_2_persia 仅适用于: 是 帖木儿 不是: 使用随机地图设置 DLC 变革之风已激活 TIM_persia_tree_trigger = yes 任务完成条件 效果前置任务 火器的兴起 时代变了!显然,未来的战争不再是以骑兵的...