Last thing for today: national ideas for the formable nations of Siam and Malaya. 最后,下面是暹罗和马来亚作为可成立国家的国家理念。 MSA_ideas = { start = { global_trade_power = 0.15 land_morale = 0.1 } bonus = { ship_durability = 0.1 } trigger = { tag = MSA } free = yes settle...
Fixed Kiowa culture not being on map Fixed Mughal Open China mission attempting to reward local goods produced modifier to the whole country. Fixed Question of Rights event being able to take land from own colonial nations Fixed Sleepless in Seattle achievement requiring wrong province. Seattle is ...
Speaking of Livonia: the tag of Livonia is now a formable for Baltic German nations (which is also a new culture in the Baltic, followed by Riga and the Livonian Order). 说到利沃尼亚,现在它是一个可以由波罗的海地区日耳曼文化国家变身的可成立国家(利沃尼亚也是一种新的文化,也会是里加、利沃尼亚...
- The estate privileges and the new formables which came with the free content patch have been received very positively too - especially the Religious Diplomats. So we want to continue this trend of adding region specific content to the DLC, while more common additions - like estate privileges ...
- Player Mapmode now shows correct colors when players select countries.- Fixed crash sometimes occurring when loading random new world saves.- Fixed a problem where the embargo impact was applied in the wrong order for trade calculations.- Newly formed colonial nations now get correct supply ...
With this the entire Island's nations have their own unique National Ideas, with a formable Ireland having their own set. Let's pick 3 to look at: Meath, Kildare and Ireland MTH_ideas = { start = { fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.2 global_garrison_growth = 0.25 } bonus = { leader_si...
We have on the map several tiny Catholic nations in Greece that I'll collectively refer to as the Crusader States. These are The Knights, Cyprus, Epirus, Athens, and Naxos. The Crusader States have some of the most challenging starting positions in the game, being at the mercy of the Ott...
Going hand-in-hand with one of these achievements, we have added one of the longest requested formable nations: The Roman Empire. It is no easy task to perform, requiring Christianity or Paganism and ownership of the regions of Italy, France, Iberia, Balkans, Anatolia, Mashriq as well as ...
Government map mode shows reforms of natives. Guarantees of nations which have been released through war now expire. Hussite Church power Parliament Bribe added, while Coptic can no longer pay with non-existent Patriarchal Authority. If units are lost at sea as a result of their ships sinking ...
As i said i like map changes generaly, i like this DD changes too, good job. Also, about scandinavia region. It's pretty good but formable Scandinavia itself is crap, it loses events(for example sweden has amazing ones, and it's lost), have no own ideas or any profit for forming ...