When a dynasty is perceived to clearly and firmly possess the Mandate, the people are assured that the hardships of war will pass and the Emperor will be victorious.Two new Ruler Personalities have been added, exclusive to the Emperor of China. Humane gives a bonus to Mandate while Petty ...
EMPEROR_UP_eventPicture is_triggered_only = yes#被动触发# option = { name = "rab_mandate_events.OPTA1" set_emperor_of_china = ROOT } } --- set_papal_state = ROOT set_emperor = ROOT 1.修改存档用ue搜索emperor = “国家tag” 如果宗教不是天主教或者改变宗,教神罗就会解散 2.如果跨区域...
清除国家 flagempire_of_china_nomadic_border_further_ticker 保存事件目标名为emperor_of_china 参考资料 ↑见于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/disasters/empire_of_china_nomadic_border.txt;事件位于:/Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_empire_of_china_nomadic_border.txt。
(不对AI触发,如果想额外加触发条件可以参照common下其他文件的写法,比如不对天朝触发可以写成NOT = { is_emperor_of_china = yes },对大明有效写成 tag = mng) prestige = 5(年度威望+5) global_unrest = -10(叛乱度-10) max_absolutis 21218 欧陆风云4吧 佐伯杏太郎🎎 谁有现在改变省份特产的新的...
为china_events.2事件增加“前往”按钮。 用户模组 命令 'yesman'控制台指令现在对新的外交行动也奏效了。 控制台指令'observe'不会再将人类玩家列入概览窗口了。 新增'remove_country <tag>'指令,这一指令将能把某一tag移除出游戏,BOOM! 效果 新增"remove_alliance"效果,可以移除某国的盟约。
{ is_emperor_of_china = yes },对大明有效写成 tag = mng) prestige = 5(年度威望+5) global_unrest = -10(叛乱度-10) max_absolutis 21218 欧陆风云4吧 xhj970210 看了下维基百科才发现埃塞俄比亚的开局655神君扎拉 雅各布在位期间用的名字是君士坦丁,称君士坦丁一世(埃塞俄比亚),那么游戏里面为啥用...
Ming and the Emperor of China is a really hard tag and mechanics to balance out. It starts as the strongest country in the world, and MingBlob was not a desired outcome in past patches, as it hindered Eastern Asia gameplay (even affecting India super-region, as others have said). So,...
_events.NAME1" desc = "rab_mandate_events.DESC1" picture = EMPEROR_UP_eventPicture is_triggered_only = yes#被动触发# option = { name = "rab_mandate_events.OPTA1" set_emperor_of_china = ROOT } } --- set_papal_state = ROOT set_emperor = ROOT 1.修改存档用ue搜索emperor = “国家ta...
Events, decisions & other scripts tweaked to use absolutism. Spies no longer are sent home when discovered, but instead have a -100% to network buildup during a year. Stabhit peaceoffers have now been restored to 50% of the warscore, and only if warscore is at least 50%. ...
{ name = "rab_mandate_events.OPTA1" set_emperor_of_china = ROOT } } --- set_papal_state = ROOT set_emperor = ROOT 1.修改存档用ue搜索emperor = “国家tag” 如果宗教不是天主教或者改变宗,教神罗就会解散 2.如果跨区域,会出现大帝国的负面baff,而且不能添加省份到神罗,导致帝国解散 有没有 ...