是 大清 文化属于中华文化组 国家flag enable_emperor_of_china_missions_flag 已设置 首都: 大陆是亚洲 DLC Mandate of Heaven已激活 DLC 霸业已激活任务完成条件 效果前置任务 昊天成命 天命之火炬已传到我们的朝代。为了证明自己的价值并发挥中国的力量,我们必须展示改革和治理国家所需的卓越和能力,这是长期以...
国家flag enable_emperor_of_china_missions_flag 已设置 首都: 大陆是亚洲 任务完成条件 效果前置任务 中朝柱石 吾国幅员辽阔,治理不能不仰赖庙堂之上的法家拂士。因此,为确保海内安宁、政通人和,应当审时度势,委派相应权力。 至少满足之一: 全部: 宦官阶层至少拥有 60 忠诚度 The 宦官estate has at least...
When a dynasty is perceived to clearly and firmly possess the Mandate, the people are assured that the hardships of war will pass and the Emperor will be victorious.Two new Ruler Personalities have been added, exclusive to the Emperor of China. Humane gives a bonus to Mandate while Petty ...
添加Empire of China mechanics (天命初始由明持有在1444年) 中国皇帝现在使用的是贤能值而不是正统性。它在默认情况下会衰减,并随着聘请顾问而增加(顾问级别越高增长越多)。 东方宗教组的国家和部落政府的国家现在可以建立朝贡国。朝贡国主体将每年以钱、君主点数或人力的形式进行朝贡。
Relations with the Emperor gen_hre_relations_with_emperor A Center of Commerce gen_hre_financial_centre Reform the Administration gen_hre_republic_reform_government Invade Novgorod invade_novgorod_mission Conquer Novgorod subjugate_novgorod Consolidate Russia consolidate_russia_mission Liberate Ruthenia russia...
{ name = "rab_mandate_events.OPTA1" set_emperor_of_china = ROOT } } --- set_papal_state = ROOT set_emperor = ROOT 1.修改存档用ue搜索emperor = “国家tag” 如果宗教不是天主教或者改变宗,教神罗就会解散 2.如果跨区域,会出现大帝国的负面baff,而且不能添加省份到神罗,导致帝国解散 有没有 ...
Other changes we introduced is the inability for the Celestial Empire AI to make countries their tributaries, which have their capital in China, as it felt very immersion breaking to us when the Celestial Emperor blocked themselves in such a fashion. ...
Kilwa has been historically a great trade power in East Africa with connections to Far East Asia. To represent this, the mission tree is heavily focused on the naval presence and trade dominance of the trade nodes which eventually lead into the Zanzibar trade node. ...
Other changes we introduced is the inability for the Celestial Empire AI to make countries their tributaries, which have their capital in China, as it felt very immersion breaking to us when the Celestial Emperor blocked themselves in such a fashion. ...
清除国家 flagempire_of_china_nomadic_border_started_ticker 清除国家 flagempire_of_china_nomadic_border_further_ticker 保存事件目标名为emperor_of_china 参考资料 ↑见于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/disasters/empire_of_china_nomadic_border.txt;事件位于:/Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_empire_of_...