add_traitadd_trait [ruler trait id]This command adds the specified trait to the ruler of the country you are currently playing as.DLC: Rights of Man admadm [amount] [country tag]This cheat command adds the specified amount of administrative power to the country with the specified country tag...
如题,求教 分享3014 欧陆风云4吧 UC印度分部😱 【mod】限制发展度mod效果如图 分享4赞 欧陆风云4吧 贴吧用户_5Ky5SD2 君主特质修改控制台上的添加和删除君主特质的代码分别是add_trait 和remove_trait +君主特质 君主特质的文件在common\Europa Universalis IV\common\ruler_personalities下的00_core.txt下。
The country tag for Milan in EU4 is: MLO The command to play as Milan in EU4 is: tag MLO The command to kill the ruler of Milan is: kill MLO The cheat to add Milan to your country's interest is: add_interest MLOThis website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or ...
Added cheat "add_permanent_claim" Added 'rgb' console command that prints the desired number of random RGB values to game.log in format used for example in region_colors Defines Added the define FABRICATE_CLAIMS_SLOWDOWN_IF_DISCOVERED to specify how slow fabricate claims will be compared to nor...
PIETY_PERCENTAGE_AT_NEW_RULER 0.25 新任统治者从上任统治者继承的虔诚度 PIETY_INCREASE_AT_GOOD_WAR 0.25 对异端异教国家发起战争获得的虔诚度 PIETY_DECREASE_AT_BAD_WAR -0.33 对同宗国家发起战争获得的虔诚度(默认为无战争借口,有战争借口下此数值减半) ADVISOR_COST_INCREASE_PER_YEAR 0.005 年度顾问花费...
Added cheat "add_permanent_claim" Added 'rgb' console command that prints the desired number of random RGB values to game.log in format used for example in region_colors Defines Added the define FABRICATE_CLAIMS_SLOWDOWN_IF_DISCOVERED to specify how slow fabricate claims will be compared to nor...
The country tag for France in EU4 is: FRA The command to play as France in EU4 is: tag FRA The command to kill the ruler of France is: kill FRA The cheat to add France to your country's interest is: add_interest FRAThis website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or ...
The country tag for Egypt in EU4 is: EGY The command to play as Egypt in EU4 is: tag EGY The command to kill the ruler of Egypt is: kill EGY The cheat to add Egypt to your country's interest is: add_interest EGYThis website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or ...
define_ruler with female = yes now works for republics Fixed province not being able to belong to multiple province groups Added the define MINIMUM_TRADE_POWER_SHARE_FOR_PRIVATEER_OPINION_HIT that sets the minimum share of total trade power in a node at which you get the pirated_us opinion ...
The country tag for Fars in EU4 is: FRS The command to play as Fars in EU4 is: tag FRS The command to kill the ruler of Fars is: kill FRS The cheat to add Fars to your country's interest is: add_interest FRSThis website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox...