EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) has been initiated to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. EU ETS is part of the EU's Fit for 55 plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 55% of 1990 levels by 2030 and for the EU to be carbon neutral by 2050. The aim of EU...
Since 1 January 2024, shipping companies have been subject to the expanded European Emissions Trading Scheme (“EU ETS”), have had to monitor their emissions, open trading accounts (see below) and been tasked with formulating more efficient fuel and route compliance strategies in prep...
"FEMREG is intended to complement the EU Emissions Trading Scheme for maritime which came into force on 1 January 2024." Background FEMREG’s overarching purpose is to accelerate the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in shipping. It forms p...
Specifically, EU manufacturers of the ETS-covered goods need to evaluate their market position since according to current plan there may be no export refund or rebate scheme reducing the need for the EU ETS allowances. Key actions for businesses A variety of factors should be examined when ...
CRS Report for Congress Climate Change and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS): Looking to 2020; Congressional Research Service: Washington, DC, USA, 2010. European Environment Agency Technical Background Document-Accompanying the Report Trends and Projections in Europe 2021. 2021. Available online...
The carbon trading scheme was introduced in 2005 as a direct instrument for the European Union to influence the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in individual national energy sectors [30]. It was implemented in stages so that, on the one hand, the effects of its use could be observed, ...
4.3. Operating with the Land Take Concept—Potentials and Limits of Its Applicability For the sake of clarity and because our focus is on the EU policy context, we favour the term land take over the terms land consumption and artificialization in this subsection. Land take is often associated...