何谓EU-ETSEU-ETS(European Union Emissions Trading Scheme)即欧盟温室气体排放贸易机制,是欧洲议会和理事会于2003年10月13日通过的欧盟2003年第87号指令(Directive 2003/87/EC),并于2005年1月1日开始实施的温室气体排放配额交易制度。该机制允许将碳排放权作为一种商品在欧盟流通。欧盟委员会根据《京都议定书》为...
这种机制就是排放交易体系(The EU Emissions Trading System,EU-ETS),它利用市场机制来激励企业减少温室气体排放。 欧盟碳排放权交易体系起源于2005年,是依据欧盟指令(2003/87/EC)建立的碳交易机制。欧盟指令由每个成员国通过国家监管的方式执行,从而形成一个适用于所有欧盟国家,以及冰岛、列支敦斯登和挪威的统一的...
您指的是 “eu emissions trading scheme its”吗?使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档eu eMIssIons TradIng scheMe eTs随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) It is important to notice that without a CE sign, the product cannot be used across the EU countries nor imported...
1、欧盟碳排放权交易体系(EU ETS)的起源 随着全球气候变暖问题的日益严重,国际社会开始寻求有效的减排手段来应对这一挑战。欧盟为了履行其在国际气候协议,决定建立一种创新机制来推动成员国实现减排目标,这种机制就是碳排放交易体系(The EU Emissions Trading System,E...
EMISSION TRADING SCHEME What is EU ETS The EU ETS, scheduled for implementation on January 1st, 2024, signifies a pivotal moment in Europe's commitment to addressing climate change. As the shipping industry faces stricter emissions regulations, Unifeeder is poised to adapt and play an active role...
[10] Carbon leakage, https://climate.ec.europa.eu/eu-action/eu-emissions-trading-system-eu-ets/free-allocation/carbon-leakage_en [11] EC Communication on the Guidelines on certain State aid measures in the context of ...
为应对航运业纳入EU ETS的情况,波罗的海国际航运工会(BIMCO)草拟了适用于船舶期租合同的排放交易机制配额标准条款(BIMCO EMISSION TRADING SCHEME ALLOWANCES CLAUSE FOR TIME CHARTER PARTIES 2022,以下简称“ETSA条款”)。ETSA条款的基础是期租合同项下提供和为燃油付款的一方(通常为承租人)应当负责提供和支付碳...
The article reports that the emissions trading scheme (ETS) of the European Union (EU) appears to be having some effect in reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the air. Based on the findings of the European Commission, overall, pollutants from industrial installations to air and water still ...
LRQA's independent verification services against the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) shows organisations' continued commitment to low carbon emissions.
The EU ETS is currently in its fourth trading phase (2021 to 2030). Every year, covered entities must surrender allowances for their emissions under the EU ETS. Auctioning is the main method of distributing allowances, with free allocation, based on benchmarks, issued to address the risk ...