Consumer Credit DirectiveThe chapter analyses the legal development of the EU consumer protection law from the perspective of legal risks. It focuses on chosen key issues such as the variations in the level of harmonization across different EU consumer protection directives, the effectiveness of ...
5.3 竞争与消费者保护 | Competition and consumer protection Main articles: European Union competition law and European consumer law 【主条目:欧洲联盟竞争法和欧洲消费者法】 See also: European Union Intellectual Property Office【另见:欧洲联盟知识产权局】 The EU operates a competition policy intended to...
For some time already, there have been concerns about TikTok’s business practices and their compliance with EU law. Different market investigations f
“reassessments” of the high-profile cases under the DMA, despite industry leaders lobbying Trump, whose election campaign was heavily focused on his “America First” agenda. She stressed, “It is our duty to preserve th...
A study from the IT University of Copenhagen reveals a high rate of non-compliance in social media advertising for gambling-like loot boxes in video games, with only 7% of ads disclosing their presence as required by UK advertising regulations and EU consumer protection law. ...
(~$634) in compensation for lengthy delays when flying long-haul, with lower payouts on shorter flights within Europe. While there are some nuances and it can be a time-consuming process to actually get that money, it's a consumer-friendly protection that assures flyers some recourse when ...
The chapter analyses the legal development of the EU consumer protection law from the perspective of legal risks. It focuses on chosen key issues such as the variations in the level of harmonization across different EU consumer protection directives, the effectiveness of consumer protection instruments...
After the Directive for Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition is finalised and enters into force, EU Member States will have 24 months to transpose the requirements into national law. From 2026 companies will need to ensure that any environmental messages or representations made voluntarily abo...
The ECJ ruling said that EU law“adequately protects consumers”including in situations where“the sole component or ingredient which they may expect to find in a food designated by a customary name or a descriptive name containing certain terms is wholly replaced.” The EU court stressed that it...
Our aim was to connect this discourse to two lines of scholarship: a doctrinal line pointing out that EU consumer law lacks a clear direction and that, to the extent it does have one, it is too strongly geared towards market integration to the detriment of protection of the weakest, and ...