The consumer protection is one of the priorities of the EU internal market.The pressure on the growth of the competitiveness motivates some businessmen to useunfair practices especially against those, who are usually not informed on the marketsituation very well. Therefore the EU law maker adopted ...
【内容摘要】欧盟新任反垄断负责人特蕾莎・里韦拉表示,尽管硅谷高管试图向即将上任的美国总统特朗普求助,但欧盟对科技巨头苹果公司、谷歌公司和元平台公司(Meta Platforms Inc.)的调查将持续推进,不会减弱。据彭博社报道,里韦拉强调欧盟致力于...
Consumer Protection Memberships ATOL The fly-cruises on this website are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. Our ATOL number is 6294. When you pay you will be supplied with an ATOL Certificate. Please ask for it and check to ensure that everything you booked (flights, hotels and other...
5.3 竞争与消费者保护 | Competition and consumer protection Main articles: European Union competition law and European consumer law 【主条目:欧洲联盟竞争法和欧洲消费者法】 See also: European Union Intellectual Property Office【另见:欧洲联盟知识产权局】 The EU operates a competition policy intended to...
The three sides agreed to build common standards, deepen common supervision, focus on common protection of consumer rights and interests, and strive to protect the common safety of consumer products at the Eighth China-US-EU Trilateral Summit on Consumer Product Safety in Hangzhou, east China's ...
EXCLUSIVE / Digital services that collect users’ data, like Facebook and Gmail, will be pulled under EU consumer protection rules as part of a European Commission overhaul due next month. Possible sanctions will be raised to up to 4% of a company's turn
The chapter analyses the legal development of the EU consumer protection law from the perspective of legal risks. It focuses on chosen key issues such as the variations in the level of harmonization across different EU consumer protection directives, the effectiveness of consumer protection instruments...
The regulation will have a wide reach, particularly in the consumer industry, affecting companies that sell into or export from the EU market products made or fed with certain commodities, such as cattle, soya, rubber, wood, coffee, palm oil or cocoa. In 2024 the EC may extend the scope ...
A study from the IT University of Copenhagen reveals a high rate of non-compliance in social media advertising for gambling-like loot boxes in video games, with only 7% of ads disclosing their presence as required by UK advertising regulations and EU consumer protection law. ...
German auto giant Volkswagen could face penalties and compensation claims over its diesel emissions scandal under European consumer protection law, a top EU official told newspaper Die Welt in remarks published Monday.