We are happy to announce that the 1.49 update for Euro Truck Simulator 2 has been released and is now available on Steam. This update contains bug fixes, changes and new content, which are featured below, so we recommend having a read! We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone...
访问方法如下:Steam客户端→库→右键单击欧洲卡车模拟2→属性→Beta选项卡→public_beta→1.49。不需要密码。有时您必须重新启动 Steam 客户端才能看到正确的分支名称。 Euro Truck Simulator 2 - 1.49 Open Beta Today, we are happy to share with you that the 1.49 Open Beta branch for Euro Truck Simulator...
Buy Steam key Visit microsite Beyond The Baltic Sea Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC brings to Euro Truck Simulator 2 the countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, parts of western Russia, and the south of Finland. Dozens of new cities, towns, ports and villages, new industries, thousands of kil...
ETS2 Update 1.20 Open Beta 设定属于你自己的GPS! ETS2 1.20版本更新开放测试 We are happy to announce that open beta of 1.20 Update of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now available on Steam. 我们非常高兴地宣布欧洲卡车模拟2 1.20版本更新的开放测试现已通过Steam推送啦。 There are a ton of minor impro...
其中一个项目是ETS2 - 姜饼屋内饰!13.由于质量水平的变化,地图mods不会被带入SCS地图。SCS更感兴趣的是让制作地图的社区成员为他们工作。他们已经有3名ProMods人员为他们工作。14.SCS将于明天(2018年12月21日欧洲中部时间18:30左右)再次播出,并将赠送一些Steam Key!15.《波罗的海之外》暂时不会被添加到地图...
If it does not contain loading 'local-radio', then please try to reinstall the plugin by pressing the "Install plugin" button, or manually copy the content of \ETS2 Local Radio\plugins\bin to \Steam\SteamApps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin The overlay does not show up Make sure you...
https://store.steampowered.com/app/227300/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2/ 发布:Petr 翻译:SuperTmall 获取最新资讯的方式: - 关注@SCS_Software官方微博或此微博 - 加入资讯通知群(QQ GROUP): 174929006 / 550647741 微博:https://weibo.com/SuperTmall
This high resolution graphics and weather mod simulates winter for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Key Features Frosty winter weather and environment Snow/Sleet instead of rain Roads, fields, grass & many other textures replaced with higher res versions ...
使用Zabbix监控ETS2 & ATS 服务器在线人数 文| 不会飞的渡渡鸟 欧洲卡车模拟2是在Steam上面比较火的一款游戏,最近发现欧卡开放了API查询接口可以访问服务器在线人数等信息。 个人比较喜欢欧卡2但是欧卡2服务器晚上人数比较多,为了更好的分配自己和车队的上线时间就做了zabbix监控欧卡2服务器的模版 ...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回欧洲卡车模拟2吧ETS2PRODUCTKEY是什么怎么填写 只看楼主收藏回复 66吗a 马路杀手 1 ETS2PRODUCTKEY是什么怎么填写 送TA礼物 来自手机贴吧1楼2018-08-28 01:16回复 天朝大青蛙 货运大师 12 steam买正版连填都不用或者找一个可靠的盗版 来自Android客户端2楼2018-08-28 18:34 ...