Buy Steam key Visit microsite Beyond The Baltic Sea Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC brings to Euro Truck Simulator 2 the countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, parts of western Russia, and the south of Finland. Dozens of new cities, towns, ports and villages, new industries, thousands of kil...
Heart of Russia Edition! Today we are happy to share with you some more screenshots from Heart of Russia, our upcoming DLC expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2. We know our community are pretty good when it comes to guessing locations from our images, so we are going to let you do just...
featuring asphalt, forest, and gravel roads, offering diverse terrain challenges. This in-game circuit is an exact replica of the real one on a 1:1 scale. Remember, you need to own the Scandinavia DLC to be able to visit the Scania Demo Centre. ...
6.Steam冬季特卖已经开始,这意味着ETS2和ATS以及大多数dlc都在特卖!不要忘记在2018年Steam大奖“最佳机械游戏”类别中投票给ETS2 (目前游戏本体以及超过一个月发布的DLC均以打折,一个月内发布的DLC不会打折。)投票地址:卡车上不加彩灯有两个原因:制造商不...
平台:steam 登号方式:上号器 帐号截图 帐号介绍 欧卡2《欧洲卡车模拟2》终 版!已购全部DLC!【ETS2】 常见问题 核心游戏玩家共享平台,手把手教你如何快速上号 Q1:登录Key不存在? A1:请确认上号器是否安装正确哦,点我下载上号器 Q2:登录未找到(密码)窗口?
ETS2 波罗的海D..国区60元,比预想的便宜了35元,更比那些直接转换17.99美元作为过去售价的便宜了一半。国区是低价区,价格低是可以理解。所以以后请不要把高价区的价格转换后作为参考。
游戏名:欧洲卡车模拟2 平台:steam 登号方式:上号器 帐号截图 帐号介绍 欧卡2《欧洲卡车模拟2》终 版!已购全部DLC!【ETS2】 常见问题 核心游戏玩家共享平台,手把手教你如何快速上号 Q1:登录Key不存在? A1:请确认上号器是否安装正确哦,点我下载上号器 Q2:登录未找到(密码)窗口? A2:山火租号为您提供...
the radio will automatically switch to a station from that country. Normally this is the first available station, but if you set a station as your favourite, that station will be played instead. You can also quickly switch to that station if you assign a key/button to the "Switch to favo...
Key Features Frosty winter weather and environment Snow/Sleet instead of rain Roads, fields, grass & many other textures replaced with higher res versions Random overcast, foggy and sunny weather Low resolution tree models replaced by high resolution ones across maps ...
Three new packs out now on KOMODO Plaza and on Steam to let you build the game! Set off on an adventure into forests and plains with the Fantasy Dreamland - Traveler Pack! ELV Games has another addition to their pixel art Fantasy Dreamland series, this t