ExperienceEtihad Your journey with us marks the beginning of something extraordinary. From our hub at Zayed International Airport, we extend our renowned hospitality to ensure every step of your journey is simply unforgettable. Zayed International Airport ...
Book your next flight with Etihad Airways. Travel to worldwide destinations and look forward to a premium travel experience with Etihad Airways.
Enjoy unique rewards and benefits along with a world of opportunities to earn and spend your Etihad Guest Miles.
Etihad Airways 首席财务官 Vydya Venkateswaran 解释了所面临的挑战:“Etihad Airways 不断努力改进并寻找新的方法来增加收入和降低成本。为了实现我们的目标,按需提供重要的财务和运营指标并为相关受众量身定制这些指标变得至关重要。 “高管们每天收到超过 20 封附带 PowerPoint 幻灯片的电子邮件,显示以不同格式呈现...
Etihad Airways Booking & E-ticket How to Book Here’s how you can book your Etihad Airways ticket online: Go toTraveloka websiteor open your Traveloka App Fill in the flight details in the search box Choose and book your flight Fill in contact information and passenger details ...
Everything you need to know when visiting the Etihad Stadium this season. Ticketing and Hospitality Our guide on how to purchase Men’s, Women’s, EDS and Academy tickets. Matchdays at the Etihad Stadium Everything from where to meet, to where to eat. ...
[5] The name Etihad is the Arabic word for 'Union'. 【参考译文】阿提哈德航空(阿拉伯语: ,罗马化:sharikat al-ittiḥād li-ṭ-ṭayarān)是阿拉伯联合酋长国的两家载旗航空公司之一(另一家是阿联酋航空)。其总部位于阿布扎比的哈利法城,靠近扎耶德国际机场。该航空公司于2003年11月开始运营,是...
【阿提哈德大厦(Etihad Towers)】 阿提哈德大厦楼群坐落在地理位置显要的滨水地带,位于阿布扎比滨海路的末端。五座楼从55层到77层不等,高度都超过了300米,总的建筑面积是50万平方米。这五座楼涵盖了一座国际性的五星级饭店、一座时尚的购物中心、高档办公楼、一座高级百货商店和高质量的住宅公寓。DBI设计公司在阿...
多城市 出发地请选择您的始发地 目的地选择您的目的地 优惠 上海 让我们为您注入灵感,助您开启下一个旅程 查看全部 往返- 经济舱 巴塞罗纳 从CNY 4,162*或者26,544里程 往返- 经济舱 米兰 从CNY 3,810*或者19,490里程 往返- 经济舱 卡萨布兰卡 ...