Etihad Rail首席执行官在中东铁路展上发表主题演讲,进一步阐述了与会签署的其他六项协议,具体如下:与意大利Arsenale S.p.A.的谅解备忘录签署,证明了Etihad Rail致力于通过国家铁路网推动阿联酋的经济和社会发展。通过建立豪华列车体验,向该地区引入独特的世界级产品,并为促进阿联酋的旅游业发展做出贡献。此外,还...
The Etihad Rail ticket price has not been revealed yet. However, we do know that Dubai’s RTA is the ticketing and payment partner for Etihad Rail (announced February 2024). That means that Dubai’s nol card could be one of the various ticket booking and fare payment solutions to be used...
In February 2022, Etihad Rail signed a Dh1.99bn ($541.7m) finance agreement with First Abu Dhabi Bank for developing passenger transport services on the railway network. The arrangement is part of the UAE National Railways Programme, which is the UAE’s largest land rail network of its kind....
About Etihad Rail Etihad Rail is a railway network developer and operator focused on freight and passenger transportation within the railway sector. The company's main offerings include the construction, development, and operation of a railway network that connects key population and industrial centers,...
Etihad Rail is a much-needed project connecting all seven emirates and, eventually, we’ll even be able to get to Abu Dhabi in just 30 minutes. Following the announcement of thefirst four passenger station destinationsand ahigh-speed rail project between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, we’re getting ...
阿拉伯联合酋长国国家铁路网运营商阿提哈德铁路公司Etihad Rail在2023年中东铁路展上签署了七项协议,以促进铁路客运和货运发展。该展会由阿提哈德铁路公司Etihad Rail与阿联酋能源和基础设施部、文化和旅游部及海合会铁路局联合举办,迎来了超过10,000名与会者,包括来自欧洲、英国、北非和海合会的八位部长、300名参展商和...
Etihad Rail, the developer and operator of the UAE National Railway Network, has introduced the region's first-ever "CO2 Emission Avoidance and Reduction Certificates," an innovative initiative that highlights the environmental benefits of rail transport for its customers. Thi...
Etihad Rail is the GCC’s first railway line that will join the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia over a 1,200km network. Daydreaming about your journey? The exact route the train will take can be seen on the Etihad Rail map. You might also like:Etihad Rail chief predicts major road traffic...
5月18日,阿联酋公开其铁路运营商Etihad Rail同意大利豪华酒店公司Arsenale的合作项目:双方将联合推出阿联酋豪华铁路旅游专线。 虽然该项目的具体启动日期没有公开,但这项被称为 “铁路游(rail cruise)”的服务预计将从东部的富查伊拉(Fujairah)穿越阿联酋,一直到历史悠久的阿布扎比利瓦沙漠(Liwa desert in Abu Dhabi)。
Etihad Rail orders CAF push-pull diesel passenger fleetAnonymousInternational Railway Journal.