筛窦气房:Ethmoidal air cells (Ethmoid sinus) 引自:Dr.D's Anatomy & Physiology 编辑:黄振校 观看方式 长按扫描二维码进入APP 立即观看视频 部分内容一览 往期回顾 第八期丨Skull Quiz 蝶骨和筛骨详解 第七期丨颅底孔洞及穿行结构详解 第六期丨The Skull ...
The ethmoid bone is a small bone with a cuboidal structure that forms the lateral boundaries of the orbit, the anterior cranial fossa superiorly, and the nasal cavities inferiorly.[1]It is relatively light and has a spongy texture. The ethmoid bone consists of the cribriform plate, two ethmoi...
The ethmoid bone is defined as a bone that forms from the fusion of paired cartilaginous nasal capsules at the rostral end of the skull base, with three centers of ossification: anterior, intermediate, and posterior. AI generated definition based on:Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in...
Ethmoid boneOtolaryngologyAnatomical variants of the ethmoid bone have a special importance in several fields, especially in otolaryngology; a precise understanding of the complex anatomy and anatomic variations of the ethmoid bone is crucial for radiological diagnosis of paranasal pathology and for ...
(ˈɛθmɔɪd)anatomy adj (Anatomy) denoting or relating to a bone of the skull that forms part of the eye socket and the nasal cavity n (Anatomy) the ethmoid bone [C18: from Greekēthmoeidēslike a sieve, fromēthmossieve, fromētheinto sift] ...
Define ethmoid s. ethmoid s synonyms, ethmoid s pronunciation, ethmoid s translation, English dictionary definition of ethmoid s. sinus n. 1. A depression or cavity formed by a bending or curving. 2. Anatomy a. A dilated channel or receptacle containing
A runny, stuffy nose that lasts for more than one week may be a symptom of a sinus infection. Anatomyof these particular cells can vary depending on the individual. The middle group can contain special cells known as concha bullosa. Sometimes, these cells can cause drainage problems. The ant...
ethmoid Unpaired skull bone on the anterior part of the neurocranium forming part of the nasal cavity and located above the vomer. 筛骨不成对的头盖骨硬骨,在脑颅形成部份的鼻洞较前端而且位于犛骨上面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Objective : Provide image anatomy basis of the ultimate ethmoid sinu...
n.one of the eight bones of the cranium; a small bone filled with air spaces that forms part of the eye sockets and the nasal cavity ethmoid_医学行业词汇 筛状的 筛骨 ethmoid词源英文解释 French ethmoïde, from Greek ēthmoeidēs, literally, like a strainer, from ēthmos strainer ...
ethmoid sinusophthalmic arterydissectionethmoid boneskull baseCOMPUTED-TOMOGRAPHYANTERIORARTERIESANATOMYSURGERYIntroduction The advent of the endoscope has enabled the... AWD Felippu,TP Morsch,Felippu, Andre Wady DebesCascio, Filippode Oliveira, Claudia Regina Gomes Cardim MendesFelippu, AlexandreVoegels, ...