Representation of Literary Texts in English for Ethiopian Textbooks and Their Practice in the Classroom: Grade 9 and 10 in FocusETHIOPIATEXTBOOKSFOCUS groupsOBSERVATION (Educational method)STUDENT interestsFABLESTHEMATIC analysisThis study aimed to assess the representation of literary texts and their actual...
This study was intended to examine the washback of the General Secondary School English Exam on students' practice. The study was conducted at three secondary schools in Debre Markos Town. 270 Grades 9 and 10 students were included. Questionnaire, focus group discussion (FGD), ...
This study evaluates the experimental tasks of the Ethiopian grade 12 chemistry textbook vis-脿-vis coverage of the essential components of science process skills (SPSs) using content analysis. All the procedures in an experiment were analyzed using rubrics of the inquiry-based task analysis ...