Learn important facts about the people of Ethiopia. Explore aspects of Ethiopian culture and religion, including food, art, music and languages.
In this lesson, we will learn about what it's like to live in ''tukuls'' and eat ''injera'' in Ethiopia, a country in the Horn of Africa. Let's...
The extent to which principles of task design and materials development are employed in a grade 9 English textbook of EthiopiaMengesha, Yohannes TeferaMahlalela, BabazileNAWA Journal of Language & Communication
forevery100 boysenrolledinsecondaryeduca on,thereareapproximately77girlsonly.Thenumberoffemale drop-outsishighinthecountry,especiallyinthetransi onfromprimarytosecondaryeduca on.In2009, only41%ofgirlssurvivedtothelastgradeofprimaryeduca onandtherewereonly30%enrolledin secondaryeduca on.Over1.8millionadolescent...