If a user callseth_callwith a very high balance override, it isn't possible for us to actually set that address to uint256 max due to how our usei, wei logic works as well as a constraint we have that any intermediate balance must have at most 256 bits. Specifically, when we set ...
blockOverride (object, optional): Overrides for the execution context block header, including blockNumber, blockHash, coinbase, timestamp, difficulty, gasLimit, and baseFee. SIMULATION CONTEXT (object, required): The context for the simulation, specifying the blockNumber or Tag and transactionIndex....
/// sometimes users may want to override those. pub struct CallOverrides { pub enforced_base_fee: Option, } impl CallRequest { /// Function to return a builder for a Call Request pub fn builder() -> CallRequestBuilder { CallRequestBuilder::default() } pub fn get_call_overrides(...
@Override public Observable<String> call(org.web3j.protocol.core.methods.request.Transaction transaction) { return Observable.fromCallable( () -> web3j.ethCall(transaction, DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST) .send()) .map(EthCall::getValue); } } 代码示例来源:origin: TrustWallet/trust-wallet-androi...
@Override public String sendCall(String to, String data, DefaultBlockParameter defaultBlockParameter) throws IOException { EthCall ethCall = web3j.ethCall( Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(getFromAddress(), to, data), defaultBlockParameter) .send(); assertCallNotReverted(ethCall); return ethCall...
@Override public void setNumPhysicalInputs(int numInputs) { @@ -300,6 +301,8 @@ public class MRInput implements LogicalInput { } return null; } + + public float getProgress() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (useNewApi) { ...
Entity XML descriptor: The XML descriptor can be used as an alternative to specify the invocation order of entity listeners or to override the order that is specified in metadata annotations. Callback method requirements Any subset or combination of annotations can be specified on an entity class ...
@Override public BigInteger estimate(Address from, Address to, byte[] data) throws EstimateGasException { Transaction transaction = Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(from.toHexString(true), to.toHexString(true), Hex.toHexString(data)); try { return web3j.ethEstimateGas(tra...
correct override when needed e13fe3f StanislavBreadless requested review from Deniallugo and perekopskiy May 28, 2024 11:19 unskip fee test 63ac1ab StanislavBreadless changed the title Fix default fee data in eth call fix(api): default fee data in eth call May 28, 2024 StanislavBreadles...
overrides: Option<&'req StateOverride>, block: Option<BlockId>, @@ -210,7 +261,7 @@ where { /// Create a new CallBuilder. pub fn new( caller: impl Caller<T, EthCallParams<'req, N>, Resp> + 'static, caller: impl Caller<T, N, Resp> + 'static, data: &'req N::Transaction...