以以太坊的ERC20接口为例,接口有一个描述字:constant。 带constant的函数,web3会自动使用eth_call远程调用。 不带constant的函数,web3使用eth_sendTransaction远程调用。 比如查询地址余额的函数balanceOf带有constant描述字,web3会使用eth_call远程调用。 2)eth_sendTransaction调用过程 eth_sendTransaction调用发起一笔交易...
gas: QUANTITY - 交易可用gas量,可选。eth_call不消耗gas,但是某些执行环节需要这个参数 gasPrice: QUANTITY - gas价格,可选 value: QUANTITY - 交易发送的以太数量,可选 data: DATA - 方法签名和编码参数的哈希,可选 QUANTITY|TAG - 整数块编号,或字符串"latest"、"earliest"或"pending" ...
Infura为每个eth_call调用eth_getBlockByNumber十次是指在使用Infura提供的API进行以太坊智能合约调用时,每次调用eth_getBlockByNumber方法会被Infura节点执行十次。eth_getBlockByNumber是以太坊的JSON-RPC接口之一,用于获取指定区块号的区块信息。 这种做法的目的是为了提高调用的可靠性和准确性。由于以太坊网络的...
This API executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the blockchain. It consumes 120 CUs.It consists of transaction-related fields and the b
eth_call 立即执行一个消息调用,无需在区块链上创建交易。 API请求 POST https://<network>.infura.io/v3/YOUR-PROJECT-ID 请求头: Content-Type:application/json 请求参数: 消息调用对象,结构如下: from:交易发起地址,可选 to:交易目标地址 gas:交易gas量,可选...
eth_call 更新时间:2023-10-16 GMT+08:00 查看PDF 简介 立即执行新的消息调用,而不在区块链上创建交易。该API所消耗的计算单元为41。 参数说明 包含交易的相关字段以及区块编号两部分。 参数 类型 说明 from String 可选参数,发送交易的地址。 to String...
The document describes the eth_callMany API method, which allows for simulating transaction bundles without creating transactions on the blockchain, useful for understanding potential outcomes and testing sequential dependencies. It supports overwriting
In comparing a revert error from an eth_call between nodes, I noticed that Geth returns a generic(?) error code during a revert. Where as Nethermind returns a specific error code, and I THINK Parity/OpenEthereum is also returning the same error code as Nethermind. I'm wondering why Geth...
last version:1.1.11 WARN[12-28|15:41:54.497] Served conn= method=eth_call reqid=6 t=190.82µs err="method handler crashed" EROR[12-28|15:42:07.283] RPC method eth_call crashed: runtime error: invalid memory address or ni...
okhttp eth_call String json="{\n"+" \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\",\n"+" \"method\": \"eth_call\",\n"+" \"params\": [\n"+" \n"+" {\n"+" \"from\": \"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\",\n"+" \"to\": \""+contract+"\",\n"+" \"data\": \""+inputData+"\"...