We show that our dataset can significantly improve the robustness of gaze estimation methods across different head poses and gaze angles. Additionally, we define a standardized experimental protocol and evaluation metric on ETH-XGaze, to better unify gaze estimation research going forward. The dataset ...
We show that our dataset can significantly improve the robustness of gaze estimation methods across different head poses and gaze angles. Additionally, we define a standardized experimental protocol and evaluation metric on ETH-XGaze, to better unify gaze estimation research going forward. The dataset ...
(1, 3, 3)) output_face_gaze = output_h5_id.create_dataset("face_gaze", shape=(total_data * 18, 2), dtype=np.float, chunks=(1, 2)) output_face_head_pose = output_h5_id.create_dataset("face_head_pose", shape=(total_data * 18, 2), dtype=np.float, chunks=(1, 2)) gaze...