We show that our dataset can significantly improve the robustness of gaze estimation methods across different head poses and gaze angles. Additionally, we define a standardized experimental protocol and evaluation metric on ETH-XGaze, to better unify gaze estimation research going forward. The dataset ...
We show that our dataset can significantly improve the robustness of gaze estimation methods across different head poses and gaze angles. Additionally, we define a standardized experimental protocol and evaluation metric on ETH-XGaze, to better unify gaze estimation research going forward. The dataset ...
Official implementation of ETH-XGaze dataset baseline - ETH-XGaze/normalization_example.py at master · ivan-alles/ETH-XGaze
ETH-XGaze基准 ETH-XGaze数据集基线的正式实施。 ETH-XGaze数据集 ETH-XGaze数据集是一个注视估计数据集,由超过一百万个在极端头部姿势下变化注视的高分辨率图像组成。 我们在ETH-XGaze数据集和其他数据集上建立了简单的基线测试。 该存储库包括代码和预先训练的模型。 请在我们的上找到有关数据集的更多详细信息。