High Energy Physics高能物理硕士,学制为2年,与巴黎综合理工学院的合作项目,在ETH Zurich注册费为CHF 730/学期,在巴黎综合理工学院注册费为245欧元/学年,两年的学费为11000欧元,但是可获得学费减免,第一年可减免学费90%,第二年可减免80%。申请截止日期12月15日) Interdisciplinary Sciences 跨学科科学硕士(化学、物理...
ETH Zurich是IDEA联盟成员之一 。 ETH Zurich现任教授、副教授和助理教授共约530位,博士后人员约2000位,博士生约4500位 。 ETH Zurich研究人员和学生包括爱因斯坦,"现代计算机之父"约翰·冯·诺依曼,"X射线发现者"伦琴,"泡利不相容原理...
Eligibility: The scholarship programmes are open to excellent students both from the ETH and from other universities (national and international) wishing to pursue their Master’s degree at ETH Zurich. You must have very good result in their Bachelor’s (top 10% of Bachelor’s programme = grade...
按照ETH Zurich官方的流程图(该图片来自https://www.ethz.ch/content/main/en/studium/anmeldung-bewerbung/master/bewerbung/voraussetzungen.html,该网页上的五个单词都是可以直接点击进入对应的网页),我们主要介绍所需材料。 Admission requirements 和 requirement profiles ETH的硕士申请分为两轮,第一轮针对的是需要...
programs FAQs Is ETH Zurich hard to get into? Does ETH Zurich accept international students? Do they speak English in ETH Zurich? Do ETH Zurich’s master’s programmes have a minimum GPA requirement? What documents do I need to apply for a residence permit as an international student?
法语: École polytechnique fédérale de Zurich (EPFZ, 是的,与EPFL同源)缩写: ETH Zurich,ETHZ...
ETH Zurich MSCS与北美PhD申请 尽管ETH Zurich的计算机科学硕士(MSCS)项目在某些方面具有优势,例如提供一定的科研机会和国际化的学习环境,但在申请北美顶尖PhD项目时,ETH Zurich的硕士项目并不是一个理想的跳板。ETH Zurich的课程压力大,资源分配有限,学生在硕士期间的科研产出有限,这直接影响了推荐信...
ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. It is renowned for its excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge into society. The ...
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