按照ETH Zurich官方的流程图(该图片来自https://www.ethz.ch/content/main/en/studium/anmeldung-bewerbung/master/bewerbung/voraussetzungen.html,该网页上的五个单词都是可以直接点击进入对应的网页),我们主要介绍所需材料。 Admission requirements 和 requirement profiles ETH的硕士申请分为两轮,第一轮针对的是需要...
It is our pleasure to confirm that you will be offered a place in the Robotics, Systems and Control MSc programme at ETH Zurich in the Autumn Semester 2019. The details (e.g. conditions and/or additional requirements) are set out in our official letter. This letter will also contain the ...
1 Job description ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. It is renowned for its excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge ...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Eth Zurich at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
In addition, a wide range of computational resources for regional and climate modelling are available in our group and at ETH Zurich. 2 Tasks The main objectives of the PhD position will be: 1) Assess the cloud phase and...
In addition, a wide range of computational resources for regional and climate modelling are available in our group and at ETH Zurich. 2 Tasks The main objectives of the PhD position will be: 1) Assess the cloud phase and radiative forcing in the mixed-phase regime with the global climate mo...
Requirements 需学生具备基本的参数化建模技能(Rhinoceros+ Grasshopper优先)和基本的渲染技能(软件不限) 课程安排 Schedule and Approach 阶段一 细部: 第一次课 内容:结合建筑案例引入建筑中“建构”的概念,强调材料使用方式对感知的影响,并主要介绍常见建筑材料的建构逻辑 —— 砖石、混凝土、木材、钢构、保温材料、玻...
Requirements 需学生具备基本的参数化建模技能(Rhinoceros+ Grasshopper优先)和基本的渲染技能(软件不限) 课程安排 Schedule and Approach 阶段一 细部: 第一次课 内容:结合建筑案例引入建筑中“建构”的概念,强调材料使用方式对感知的影响,并主要介绍常见建筑材料的建构逻辑 —— 砖石、混凝土、木材、钢构、保温材料、玻...
Requirements 需学生具备基本的参数化建模技能(Rhinoceros+ Grasshopper优先)和基本的渲染技能(软件不限) 课程安排 Schedule and Approach 阶段一 细部: 第一次课 内容:结合建筑案例引入建筑中“建构”的概念,强调材料使用方式对感知的影响,并主要介绍常见建筑材料的建构逻辑 —— 砖石、混凝土、木材、钢构、保温材料、玻...
We are looking for a proactive and motivated individual who meets the requirements for a position at ETH Zurich and has a doctoral degree in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics or process engineering from a recognized university. Ideally, you already have strong experience in the me...