The Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Architecture and Digital Fabrication is a one-year full time educational program at ETH Zurich.
ETH Zurich's HiLo unit combines medieval building techniques with innovative construction methods News BAM releases their 2021 rankings for top master of architecture programs News Zaha Hadid Architects and Block Research Group unveil world's first 3D-printed concrete footbridge built without any reinforce...
The Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Architecture and Digital Fabrication is a one-year full time educational program at ETH Zurich.
8092 Zurich Switzerland Instagram The Department of Architecture at ETH Zürich offers a new two-year Master’s degree program in Landscape Architecture (MScLA). It redefines the goals and boundaries of landscape architecture as a design discipline through the development of new...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Eth Zurich at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Architecture and Civil Engingeering建筑和土木工程领域 Environmental Engineering Master 环境工程硕士 2年,包括以下方向: -Water Resources Management水资源管理; -Urban Water Management城市水管理; -Environmental Technologies 环境技术; -River and Hydraulic Engineering河流与水利工程 ...
身临其境模型研究项目是苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)格拉玛西奥-科勒研究室(Gramazio Kohler Research)与苏黎世艺术大学(ZHdK)计算机音乐与声音技术研究所(ICST)拉玛-戈特弗里德博士(Rama Gottfried)教授之间的跨学科合作项目。 Project background The project aims to develop theoretical and experimental research examin...
Master of Architecture from the National Technical University of Athens (2017) and subsequently completed the Fab Academy in the FabLab of IAAC, Barcelona (2017) and the MAS in Architecture and Digital Fabrication at ETH Zuri...
ETH Zurich公布了一款最新研究的四足机器人 写在前 我上一次分享的机器人是Boston Dynamics的Atlas和Handle这两款,近期瑞士苏黎世大学发布了一款自主式四足机器人平台“ANYmal”,它能够在多种复杂环境下自主移动并执行任务,其中对外公布的12秒的视频中 ANYmal 能自主使用电梯,非常厉害。
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH of Zurich. Zurich, SwitzerlandBAM 2018 #4 / 20 BAM 2019 #3 / 30 Location Madrid. Spain Duration 9 months FEE 19.800 € Overview: The Master of Architecture in Collective Housing, MCH, is a postgraduate full-time international professi...