身临其境模型研究项目是苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)格拉玛西奥-科勒研究室(Gramazio Kohler Research)与苏黎世艺术大学(ZHdK)计算机音乐与声音技术研究所(ICST)拉玛-戈特弗里德博士(Rama Gottfried)教授之间的跨学科合作项目。 Project background The project aims to develop theoretical and experimental research examin...
The Supply Chain Management Group (Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner) at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich invites applications for a PhD student/research assistant with a background in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Master of Science, MSc. 苏黎世联邦理工学院管理、技术和经济...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Eth Zurich at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Inés Ariza is an architect and researcher passionate about how small and large things connect. She is currently a PhD candidate at ETH Zurich, working on new concepts and methods for details and detailing when using robots ...
ETH Yearbook 2017: Department of ArchitectureDepartment Architektur ETH Zurich
The “Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule” or ETH in Zurich is one of the world’s leading technical and natural science universities. It is an important place of study, research, and work for around 19,800 students, including 4,000 PhD students from over 120 countries, with 510 professor...
The Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Architecture and Digital Fabrication is a one-year full time educational program at ETH Zurich.
The Master of Advanced Studies ETH in Architecture and Digital Fabrication is a one-year full time educational program at ETH Zurich.
Professor, ITA, ETH Zurich 苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑技术大学教授 Head of the Block Research Group(BRG) Block研究所主任 Director of the NCCR - Digital Fabrication 瑞士国家研究能力中心数字建造方向主任 Dr. Philippe Block is professor...
ETH Zurich - Digital Design and Computer Architecture(数字设计和计算机体系结构 Spring 2023) 3218播放 Lecture 1: Introduction and Basics 1:46:08 Lecture 2: Tradeoffs,Metrics & Combinational Logic I 1:47:41 Lecture 3: Combinational Logic II 1:45:52 Lecture 4: Sequential Logic Desgin 1:47:48 ...